General Category => Harness Racing => Topic started by: swoodall on August 07, 2018, 06:55:59 PM

Title: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 07, 2018, 06:55:59 PM
Magee the Hall Of Fame driver retired and took a stewards job at Hoosier. 11.wp

He immediately let in Warren, Oosting and a host of other criminals. 11.dt

Now Dave and his fellow stewards at Hoosier have gained a much deserved reputation for doing NOTHING! 68xv.2

I'm not playing Hoosier today I am working on my Mohawk Pk5 ticket but I have the races on while I handicap.

In Hoosiers first race Widger pulls the 7 way before the 1/4 pole and moves up quickly on the outside.

Warren who is sitting 2nd pulls out into Widger as Widger is a full half length up on him forcing Widger 3 wide but they never make contact with each other.

It is clear from the side view that Widger is at least half way up on Warren's horse and gaining ground when Warren pops the pocket.

The stewards have their token Inquiry and do nothing! :1

Why is Dave Magee giving Todd Warren special treatment? 91zxa.1

Warren was ban from Hoosier until Dave got the job there. 68xv.2

I have no money involved in this public butt fucking yet I still feel violated by these criminal stewards. :1

I hope Mohawk is better. tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Bernie Madoff on August 07, 2018, 07:25:45 PM
You need to be treated for your acute paranoia.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 07, 2018, 11:28:53 PM
You need to be treated for your acute paranoia.

Instead of coming out from under your rock to post try watching a few races first. angbk

Everyone who watches and plays Hoosier knows this is true, 91zxa.1

After Magee got the job all the Illinois crooks who were kicked out or not allowed in all got licenses. 68xv.2

Warren, Oosting, Rucker, Anderson.....with Johnny Roberts being the only one kept out. 11.wp

Indiana racing has given a death sentence by allowing this to happen. 11.dt
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: zoot on August 07, 2018, 11:30:09 PM
dave magee never drew a dishonest breath in his life. you are out of your fuckin mind.

maybe you'd like to still have dick "whats in it for me" desantis ?
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 01:24:08 AM
dave magee never drew a dishonest breath in his life. you are out of your fuckin mind.

maybe you'd like to still have dick "whats in it for me" desantis ?

You just disqualified yourself from this conversation about Magee. 11.wp

If you want to stick to just comparing Magee to former Hoosier stewards then have it.

And in that comparison Magee still sucks and he lets these guys get away with shit that never use to happen.

The Hoosier stewards under Joe Gorajec were some of the best.

These stewards let drivers wait until the last second to pull out forcing the horse coming up on their outside to check up or move out 3 wide to avoid an accident and because no contact was made no disqualification is issued.

That is bullshit and another blackeye for the clowns being hired to protect the integrity of racing. 11.dt

This is not an isolated incident it is a pattern of decisions where former drivers refuse to DQ current drivers unless an accident occurred. 11.dt

Failure to loose ground on a break doesn't exist anymore. 11.wp

Rules are nothing but lip service when there is no one willing to enforce them. 11.dt

The more drivers keep getting away with reckless maneuvers the more they will attempt them and eventually someone is going to get hurt.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 08, 2018, 09:15:05 AM
There are two other stewards and I'm sure they rank higher then Dave. Dave wasn't even qualified at the time to take that job three days after retiring from the bike. Went through the USTA certification and he isn't the head steward. So if your current bashing on the IN product IT went downhill WHEN IN gov was told to fire Joe....because horsemen complained he was to tough. Which Barry Irwin came to his defense at the time which didn't help but did cause and help raise the question WHY. So if you want to continue to trash the program that's a better place to start and then also add in the other two qualified stewards then the one that is a newbie with a few meet experience. 
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: zoot on August 08, 2018, 12:33:26 PM

You just disqualified yourself from this conversation about Magee. 11.wp

If you want to stick to just comparing Magee to former Hoosier stewards then have it.

And in that comparison Magee still sucks and he lets these guys get away with shit that never use to happen.

The Hoosier stewards under Joe Gorajec were some of the best.

These stewards let drivers wait until the last second to pull out forcing the horse coming up on their outside to check up or move out 3 wide to avoid an accident and because no contact was made no disqualification is issued.

That is bullshit and another blackeye for the clowns being hired to protect the integrity of racing. 11.dt

This is not an isolated incident it is a pattern of decisions where former drivers refuse to DQ current drivers unless an accident occurred. 11.dt

Failure to loose ground on a break doesn't exist anymore. 11.wp

Rules are nothing but lip service when there is no one willing to enforce them. 11.dt

The more drivers keep getting away with reckless maneuvers the more they will attempt them and eventually someone is going to get hurt.

I disqualified myself ???   now I know you're a fuckin nut
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: silent one on August 08, 2018, 01:04:26 PM
There are two other stewards and I'm sure they rank higher then Dave. Dave wasn't even qualified at the time to take that job three days after retiring from the bike. Went through the USTA certification and he isn't the head steward. So if your current bashing on the IN product IT went downhill WHEN IN gov was told to fire Joe....because horsemen complained he was to tough. Which Barry Irwin came to his defense at the time which didn't help but did cause and help raise the question WHY. So if you want to continue to trash the program that's a better place to start and then also add in the other two qualified stewards then the one that is a newbie with a few meet experience. 

 I am in complete agreement with almost your entire post. The only thing I have a problem with is Anderson, Rucker, And Warren were allowed back in, in the Maggot's  first year as a steward. Coincidence? I think not.

        Sincerely, Silent One
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:14:14 PM

I disqualified myself ???   now I know you're a fuckin nut

You wanna vouch for a horseman's moral character that's your business but there are plenty of guys who know more than you.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 08, 2018, 04:19:20 PM
Well S One...if you want to go by a timeline that is well and good...I'm not arguing that but more to the issue that really Dave, the novice and lowest on the totem pole arranged this whole thing to bring in so called banished cheaters to Hoosier? All by himself running some con on all the people higher then him? That Rucker and Anderson still race more then at Hoosier while at Hawthorne...while both had raced at Pocono over the last few years. I doubt Dave has made some deal with the devil to have these guys have their way at Hoosier. May be Steve has proof of his claims and is the mastermind behind it all?
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:19:54 PM
There are two other stewards and I'm sure they rank higher then Dave. Dave wasn't even qualified at the time to take that job three days after retiring from the bike. Went through the USTA certification and he isn't the head steward. So if your current bashing on the IN product IT went downhill WHEN IN gov was told to fire Joe....because horsemen complained he was to tough. Which Barry Irwin came to his defense at the time which didn't help but did cause and help raise the question WHY. So if you want to continue to trash the program that's a better place to start and then also add in the other two qualified stewards then the one that is a newbie with a few meet experience. 

Of course Magee is not the head steward but are you telling me he wouldn't lobby for his fellow Illinois horsemen to be given another chance to race in Indiana?

Way worse than Oosting or Warren is P'Pool being given another license in Indiana. 11.dt

I agree with Silent One and think he put it best. tmbz1

The timing is very suspicious. 11.wp
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:28:41 PM
BTW the whole point of singling out Magee was his image of purity and the changes that have taken place in Indiana.

There is no way that it's coincidence that as more former drivers become stewards the less infractions have ended up in disqualifications .

There clearly is a effort to water down the rules and insert as many gray areas as possible to give the stewards enough wiggle room to claim no violation occurred. 11.dt

Nobody can trust what the stewards will decide anymore from race to race much less from track to track. 11.dt
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 08, 2018, 04:37:01 PM
Yeah the timing three days into getting the job and probably hadn't finished the USTA certification. Your conspiracy you prove it Steve. Easy to throw stones from afar. But let's say IN which has gone through many types of phases before, during and after that time frame.  First overage of Amish breeding of bad horses. Plenty of changes to a sire program. A surge in the Ohio program. The lost of drivers/A few drivers being thrown out, the whole Anti histamine overages that got sweep four summers ago, to less breeding in IN, to having a few years back... a on the horizon horse shortage with Ohio going full blast. INDIANA HAS BEEN TAKING EVERYONE because buyers where chasing elsewhere. But hey Steve you must have ALL the info so please share.

I will agree with Zoot on Dave...with being off the track as a family man loving his kids and getting all six through college and into careers.... NOT in racing. Keeping them away from the track and not many career horsemen generations can say that. He has tried some things away from the track that didn't turn into a homerun. So he is tarnishing his racing career by helping TW? Hmm! Everyone man or women have a list of sins because not one person IS perfect. I'm sure Dave had a rep during his driving days in the 80's and 90's. There are always whispers and sure some are true. But hey look in the mirror unless your that perfect person!
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:37:44 PM
Well S One...if you want to go by a timeline that is well and good...I'm not arguing that but more to the issue that really Dave, the novice and lowest on the totem pole arranged this whole thing to bring in so called banished cheaters to Hoosier? All by himself running some con on all the people higher then him? That Rucker and Anderson still race more then at Hoosier while at Hawthorne...while both had raced at Pocono over the last few years. I doubt Dave has made some deal with the devil to have these guys have their way at Hoosier. May be Steve has proof of his claims and is the mastermind behind it all?

You make yourself look like Rudy Giuliani counselor when you call your Hall of Fame client a "novice". ngc3 ngc3

Lobbyist work by their itsy bitsy selves all the time in influencing entire governments. hcx.1

Magee I believe is one of a total of three decision makers? 91zxa.1

Again the timeline is undeniable and the results have been shameful.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: LUCPARK on August 08, 2018, 04:38:59 PM

 ;D ;D tmbz1 tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:48:06 PM
Yeah the timing three days into getting the job and probably hadn't finished the USTA certification. Your conspiracy you prove it Steve. Easy to throw stones from afar. But let's say IN which has gone through many types of phases before, during and after that time frame.  First overage of Amish breeding of bad horses. Plenty of changes to a sire program. A surge in the Ohio program. The lost of drivers/A few drivers being thrown out, the whole Anti histamine overages that got sweep four summers ago, to less breeding in IN, to having a few years back... a on the horizon horse shortage with Ohio going full blast. INDIANA HAS BEEN TAKING EVERYONE because buyers where chasing elsewhere. But hey Steve you must have ALL the info so please share.

I will agree with Zoot on Dave...with being off the track as a family man loving his kids and getting all six through college and into careers.... NOT in racing. Keeping them away from the track and not many career horsemen generations can say that. He has tried some things away from the track that didn't turn into a homerun. So he is tarnishing his racing career by helping TW? Hmm! Everyone man or women have a list of sins because not one person IS perfect. I'm sure Dave had a rep during his driving days in the 80's and 90's. There are always whispers and sure some are true. But hey look in the mirror unless your that perfect person!

Well this started out as a critique of someone's job performance related specifically to harness racing and only about issues relating to that job not "off the track". tmbz1

But as it usually happens here not everyone can play by simple rules

Defense counselors feel the need to drag family and religion into a thread where nobody else had gone.

Unless this discussion sticks to the intended topic of job performance as an Indiana steward and activities related to that position then my part of the conversation is over. tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 08, 2018, 04:51:05 PM

 ;D ;D tmbz1 tmbz1

Don't start.

I said I had Hoosier on the screen as I was handicapping Mohawk. Otherwise I don't see the race and don't start the thread. Did not play Hoosier at all.  11.wp
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 08, 2018, 04:54:10 PM
Sure Steve once you prove all your accusations! Nobody has claimed Dave to be pure. That's just fake news. Yet your purity as a owner using trainers that well aren't pure.

Which of course was decades ago and you still throw out your horses like anyone cares or remember some also ran mule that probably needed it's vet work or tubing or soda.

Your a dollar bettor that cries foul more often then not just like the rest in the Joliet OTB. There all classic cry babies. tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Fatboy on August 08, 2018, 04:57:43 PM
Sure Steve once you prove all your accusations! Nobody has claimed Dave to be pure. That's just fake news. Yet your purity as a owner using trainers that well aren't pure.

Which of course was decades ago and you still throw out your horses like anyone cares or remember some also ran mule that probably needed it's vet work or tubing or soda.

Your a dollar bettor that cries foul more often then not just like the rest in the Joliet OTB. There all classic cry babies. tmbz1

Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 08, 2018, 06:48:19 PM
By the way Steve this isn't your first thread or post about Magee once he took that job and I'm sure it won't be the last. Also sure it's not your first post or thread about stewards at any track. We had the three blind mice at Balmoral/Maywood or gone home prior to the last two races stewards at Balmoral and Maywood. Just interchange names and tracks and it's a conspiracy in this sport. But hail your words and keyboard bashing that the Magee legacy is forever stained.  ngc3 ngc3
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 09, 2018, 01:38:12 AM

Leaving to go get a Double Quarter Pounder w/cheese, want a few?
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: runnerrunner on August 09, 2018, 01:50:43 AM
does this mean liz is doomed now?
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 09, 2018, 01:55:39 AM
By the way Steve this isn't your first thread or post about Magee once he took that job and I'm sure it won't be the last. Also sure it's not your first post or thread about stewards at any track. We had the three blind mice at Balmoral/Maywood or gone home prior to the last two races stewards at Balmoral and Maywood. Just interchange names and tracks and it's a conspiracy in this sport. But hail your words and keyboard bashing that the Magee legacy is forever stained.  ngc3 ngc3

Classic condescending crap from the arrogant self described rich guy who hates the common man in the otb's. 43z.stf

Sorry the rest of us get in your way when you want to bet those nags you have owned. 11.wp

Typical RepubliCON bullshit from a horseman welfare queen sucking the profit out of casino operations.

I do believe the harness god you use for a trainer got a serious positive a while back! 43z.stf

But don't let that derail your diatribes about how the state is corrupt and the horse racing gamblers are cry babies, wouldn't want a degenerate gambler interrupting your trail of tears. :'(

Congratulations, you derailed a thread again now you can talk to yourself. 96z.p
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 09, 2018, 01:56:58 AM
does this mean liz is doomed now?

It means Indiana is doomed.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 09, 2018, 02:02:36 PM
Sure Steve banter off your typical liberal foul mouth like all you leftist claim to be for the people. Like the guy on disability sucking off the government. I own 2 horses over the past couple years. One a homebred yes in Pa. Also a IL bred who doesn't race for casino shared profits. Come to think the way I started was in IL racing where there was no welfare. By the way the trainers positive was dropped by the IRB on evidence we provided. So using a couple of your terms since you brought them up STFU and GO F yourself. I have no issue with the common man nor the common OTB wager. However the ones that cry foul after every single race. Well go find a new FUCKING HOBBY. Me I'll just keep pumping money into those mandatory payouts because it's a lot better then owning horses when you have the money to play big tickets. See it's easier to fund those big pools in thoroughbred  racing then pay the 15k a month in training bills. I'll call George and leave you a token 2 dollar voucher so when you lose it was free money anyway. Or a charity ticket. 11.wp ngc3
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 09, 2018, 02:29:55 PM
BTW that's the problem with your babble by throwing out shit to see if it sticks. So let's start with you a certain trainer you used. Where you around when any cattle pronding took place? Or any hours before the fairs start a truckload of horses would take a spin around the block before paddock time? Where you the driver? Did you hold the tube for another of your trainers or help shove it down the horses throat. Then wager heavy amounts of money with that same trainer son who also drove and was later banned then came back and is who knows where now? So see anyone can just throw shit out there to see it it sticks. Does it? The Swoodall legacy is it tarnished or stained? We all want to know because he had 1 good IL bred. ngc3
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 09, 2018, 03:01:46 PM
Harvey bad hair day I guess? Haha right since u must know me. I wish I had that much in the bank but others like to make that claim for other people. You also know I don't come in here touting my horses past or present. Not that kind of guy. I have touted some nice scores on high 5 payouts but posted the pick prior. Which is more luck then handicapping as far as to where they fall 1-5. No my problem was just the way Dave is portrayed since I have had the chance to meet him off track and grew up where he lived before moving to IN. That his reputation is much better from people off the track. I usually don't find much fault in Swoodall postings and agree with majority. Also have feed him prior info in the past before he could even come up with it on the other now closed site. He threw out the my trainer positive without knowing it was dropped so it triggered something I suppose. I'm a guy that believes in level playing fields and least amount of nonsense given to a horse. Ran once for the IHHA to help racing and help have the IRB more forthcoming to bull shit on the track. Before that wanted to bring back a owners assoc. But had a lot of pushback. Thanks Harvey, maybe the mod could delete my last post? tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: LUCPARK on August 09, 2018, 03:06:46 PM
Jimmy has alot of money

Swooey has alot of conspiracy theories

Lucpark . Just reading from hospital bed ..
Dave magee is a great guy drove my horses and Jimmy's horses. .

I find it troubling.  We can't just rip up a ticket and move onto the next race ..

In today's ME MOVEMENT



Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Calhoun on August 09, 2018, 03:21:51 PM
Jimmy has alot of money

Swooey has alot of conspiracy theories

Lucpark . Just reading from hospital bed ..

Are you in a lot of pain?
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Fatboy on August 09, 2018, 03:24:19 PM
Are you in a lot of pain?

Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Calhoun on August 09, 2018, 03:28:40 PM
Luc tried to sell The Godfather of Harness 15% of a Free Rustproofing Package.

Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 09, 2018, 06:10:20 PM
Threads get derailed when rich guys with their own agenda can't stick to discussing the subject matter as presented because they have no other defense other than to derailed the thread with their psychotic hatred of middle class people.

Try and have a serious discussion without one of these rich  84zac.1 attacking the posters rather than presenting a coherent rebuttal as to why they disagree with the original post? 91zxa.1

In this case there was/is no defense for the stewards decision so the only option left was attack the poster and derail the thread.

Mission accomplished.
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Fatboy on August 09, 2018, 06:15:23 PM
Threads get derailed when rich guys with their own agenda can't stick to discussing the subject matter as presented because they have no other defense other than to derailed the thread with their psychotic hatred of middle class people.

Try and have a serious discussion without one of these rich  84zac.1 attacking the posters rather than presenting a coherent rebuttal as to why they disagree with the original post? 91zxa.1

In this case there was/is no defense for the stewards decision so the only option left was attack the poster and derail the thread.

Mission accomplished.


Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: swoodall on August 09, 2018, 06:18:44 PM

Those double quarter pounders are getting cold better hurry up and eat them. 95xz.2
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Germy dDay on August 09, 2018, 07:25:39 PM
Threads get derailed when rich guys with their own agenda can't stick to discussing the subject matter as presented because they have no other defense other than to derailed the thread with their psychotic hatred of middle class people.

Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: slivercharm on August 09, 2018, 07:28:06 PM

No way Steve is middle class he don't even work also google his address see his house def lower class
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 09, 2018, 07:33:23 PM
Well looking back at the thread you went of course going to a Rudy Giuliani comment. Me going off thread by saying Dave is a good family man and kept his kids away from the track and track life? All character guilty if that's really off track considering you flat out called him a crook...without supporting proof. Love how the term rich person is thrown around when I'm middle class, live middle class, all friends are middle class and decided to save money then spend on lavish things when I was trading. Owning race horses was always a dream and I accomplished some things while like most others spending more and getting less out. But hey one day it will be over for everyone and you will have no outlet to wager, sound off, complain, lose money, and will just be one crabby was liberal with nothing to do. Although your town has been known for drugs for decades. May be you can take up crack. tmbz1
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: horses first on August 09, 2018, 07:49:01 PM
Magee indicted...DA going with timeline as main evidence seeking life without parole. News at 10. If that doesn't get a conviction there might be one of his old driving gloves to check if it still fits.   ngc3 ngc3
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: slivercharm on August 10, 2018, 12:30:11 PM
Sad Steve turned this rich vs poor if Steve wasn't sucking off the govt teet he could get a job make real money and elevate his status typical Dem hating on hard working people especially a guy like Dave Magee who has worked his ass off could be collecting SS but is choosing to work hard off to him. Steve is jelly haters gonna hate
Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: Fatboy on August 10, 2018, 12:34:26 PM
Sad Steve turned this rich vs poor if Steve wasn't sucking off the govt teet he could get a job make real money and elevate his status typical Dem hating on hard working people especially a guy like Dave Magee who has worked his ass off could be collecting SS but is choosing to work hard off to him. Steve is jelly haters gonna hate

Title: Re: Dave Magee Is Also A Crook And His Legacy Is Stained Forever
Post by: slivercharm on August 10, 2018, 12:38:45 PM

Gets pissed when Mexicans rent it out for a party lol why would the OTB allow anybody but Steve and his crew of nobody's in there to bet ther some supers. No wonder all their tires got slashed 
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