General Category => The O.T. => Topic started by: JOHN FRANK on December 12, 2020, 06:17:25 PM

Post by: JOHN FRANK on December 12, 2020, 06:17:25 PM
Where to start. I'll start with me life. Never let anyone ever FUC with me. Me DAD died when me 11. Learned how to take care of meself. Worked to give that money to my MOM. Also learned to not be takin advantage of. Learned early how to fistcuff bulls and send them down road.
Some other thins I want to say:
(1) I've seen a lot of death in me lifetime. IN SERVICE and close friends. But me wife was the worst. Had to tell her in early 3 week portion. SHE was beggin for water or ice chips. She begged me to get. I had to tell her NO. It will make your condition worse. SHE TOUGH. I said: ANDREA you have to get tough. It was horrible I regret to this day. Had I known her end was near I would have defied and got her water. 

it was the most  worst horrible thin in me lifetime. . . She clamed up and never said another word to me.She went on respirator 2 hours later and  was comatose with the DR'S putting her under. We had one last brief.The DR'S put her in paralization as a last resort to calm. I was there when she returned to room. Her eyes were wide opened paralaized. OH fuc. I could see her lookin at me she terrified. The nurse goes,don't worry ANDREA we goin put you back under. They did. And then I yelled. WHAT THE FUC. Why you got her terrified and not have her under. They tells me procedure. I say's you mother fuckin POS. The POPE at YOUNKS was lovin this. He goin I hope she DIES worse than miserably. HOW you doin YOUNK guy. You think JOHN FRANK ARMY forgets,YOU WRONG. JOHN FRANK ARMY always said: When he thinks his time comin to end so will be yours. To bad BOY you did not croak the VID when you say you had it. Don't worry, JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna make sure you DIE much worse. GOT that YOUNK JEW BOY.
(2) Me DENTIST is becoming a problem. 
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: JOHN FRANK on December 12, 2020, 07:10:39 PM
DID not finish anywhere I need to.
You people get the point somewhere and if you don't who cares. You all MEMBER,JOHN FRANK ARMY with his partner had the BEEF VILLA franchise in VEGAS. Still exists in ELGIN.ILLINOIS. At that time they had 6 in northern  ILLIONOIS and FLORIDA and me and STOREY in VEGAS. BOB and his wife had all the money. She owned thru inheratence a gigantic old folks home in ELGIN.ILLINOIS. She was also a principal in ELGIN school district. BOB was a top notch loan banker at bank in St.CHARLES,Illinois. SUE got a jop as principal at VEAGAS school,BOB got top at downtown bank loans. BOB goes. Lets do a villa out here. Tey got the money and I says OK. I puts in 20%. We searched for a proper location. We found it. A former WHAT -A-BURGER located on BOULDER HIGHWAY in residential area about 1 mile from SAM'S TOWN. Just startin out. 3 weeks later in walks TONY and his crew. They order and then also to go. The bill was about $140.00. They ups and walk out. The waitress goes JOHN what should I do. I says ,don't worry about it,YOU have no idea who those individuals are. 2 weeks later,one of those that with TONY comes and orders take. Another $80.00. He goes and pays. He gives 4 $100.00 and says keep the change. My introduction to CHICAGO MOB. Came quite frequinetly because we the only in VEGAS that had CHICAGO. And I got to know some thugs. Nice guys if you don't rub wrong. Actually they knew ANDREA and I were gonna get married at some point. They went. Your gonna get married at the DUST,free of charge. Everythin on us. Sounded good,but I went don't want to return favors. Andrea and I got married in 1986 out in VEGAS at ELVIS over the 4th. I said lets go watch the fireworks on top the DUST. They never exploded. I said to ANDREA at time. TONY in big time trouble. We returned home 3 days later and TONY and brother discovered in grave in cornfield.
Now you ask me. YA doing work for ROSEMOUNT. Getting old. Way to old. But favors which I never did are still callin me out. But that OK. They like me work even tough me ancient.
ME point if I have one. It's me BROTHER,the greatest nicest guy in world who never got a chance to meet me DAD. Me brother was 4 when my DAD passed. I uh one time tried to tell me brother about me our DAD. He exploded. This ain't right. He don't deserve CANCER,I DO. CHRIST,I'M worryin so much about me younger brother. WISH it ME,not him.
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Mottoman65 on December 13, 2020, 08:33:48 AM
Great stories from a legend, god bless your brother!
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Bernie Madoff on December 13, 2020, 09:21:19 AM
John Frank, the most uninteresting man in the world.
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Kirbys Ace on December 13, 2020, 10:00:33 AM
Your stories explain a lot!

Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: JOHN FRANK on December 14, 2020, 03:39:03 PM
Thanks MOTTO. 2 the 2 JEWS. Hopin your ancestors were roasted alive. This from a 100% GERMAN.
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: SRP on December 14, 2020, 05:49:37 PM
Happy Chanukah john franks
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Fatboy on December 14, 2020, 08:34:55 PM
John Frank, the most uninteresting man in the world.

  Ran hotdog stand in Vegas.  Isn't that cool?
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Calhoun on December 15, 2020, 07:26:59 AM
  Ran hotdog stand in Vegas.  Isn't that cool?
If you're 12, yes.
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: FirstUpFrom8Hole on December 15, 2020, 09:54:58 AM
Holy shit
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: Bernie Madoff on December 15, 2020, 10:11:58 AM
If you're 12, yes.

 tmbz1 tmbz1 tmbz1 tmbz1
Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: MagnaballGin on December 15, 2020, 03:15:57 PM
Thanks MOTTO. 2 the 2 JEWS. Hopin your ancestors were roasted alive. This from a 100% GERMAN.

DO those rotten JEWS in JOHN FRANK ARMY! You don't need any help, but I would be my pleasure to assist 11.wp
By the way YOU are always welcome in Rosemont!

Title: Re: JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna RANT.
Post by: JOHN FRANK on December 19, 2020, 04:35:39 PM
HOON,REAPER.keep on pissin me off. I've been kind because we fellow. But we different breeds and not because of color. I'M REGULAR and you is RESERVE. MAJOR difference: JOHN FRANK ARMY can and will discredit you in a second. You can brag about becoming a KERNAL (see how I spelled) But in me eyes you nothing but a E-3. Yeah proteck homeland. The real fight is OVERSEAS. Keep on bragging. You knows I know you worked for SIMON. I get your nonsence about 27 year military carreer. My 2 years were more important than your SHIT bragado. Keep it up FUC.
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