General Category => Political Roundtable => Topic started by: Calhoun on April 19, 2021, 06:25:48 PM

Title: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: Calhoun on April 19, 2021, 06:25:48 PM
The president says the correct term is "non-citizen."

I approve.

How does all this make you feel?
Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: HornbyDuke on April 19, 2021, 07:03:27 PM
I got no problem with use of illegal alien to describe anyone not legally in country.

Non citizens can be here legally and illegally. Refugees, asylees etc are here legally. A person without any qualifying legal status is here illegally.

This is a very very significant distinction. Illegal aliens shouldn't get any government benefits except for emergency benefits   - emergency room at hospital for example. On the other hand,  legal noncitizen aliens I got no problem with them qualifying for some benefits.

Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: horses first on April 19, 2021, 08:52:06 PM
At least the idiot has finally called it a border crisis. Not before the VP he put in charge said after 3 weeks fuck you I'm not going down their nor commenting on the border. I will call it a climate crisis ngc3. Then Joe annouces he will use the border cap Trump had...until a AOC tweet. Finally Joe saw his poll numbers declining on his border failure more by latio's and he called it a crisis. Who actually is running this country? In the meantime China is moving ships around the Philippines, China buzzing Taiwan, and Russia moving pieces in the Ukraine. Joe and his admin drawing one of those invisible Obama red lines ngc3 ngc3. Joe is busy and America is watching.
Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: caddy on April 19, 2021, 11:57:58 PM
At least the idiot has finally called it a border crisis. Not before the VP he put in charge said after 3 weeks fuck you I'm not going down their nor commenting on the border. I will call it a climate crisis ngc3. Then Joe annouces he will use the border cap Trump had...until a AOC tweet. Finally Joe saw his poll numbers declining on his border failure more by latio's and he called it a crisis. Who actually is running this country? In the meantime China is moving ships around the Philippines, China buzzing Taiwan, and Russia moving pieces in the Ukraine. Joe and his admin drawing one of those invisible Obama red lines ngc3 ngc3. Joe is busy and America is watching.

don't forget the Iraniuns  -  and, Rocket Man.  All the yeehaws are revvin' up w/ old Bidie on duty  <>

as re: Aliens - the Martians were complainin too 
Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: MagnaballGin on April 20, 2021, 09:42:02 AM
How I miss the 80's...when cancel culture was still a leftists' dream  11.wp

This Genesis/Phil Colllins video was a great one  ngc3
Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: Calhoun on April 20, 2021, 01:06:44 PM
Pretty hilarious to see my flock blaming Biden.

In Fall, 2017, there was a deal.  Trump said 800k Dreamers would get legal status with no border wall $$.

The backroom deal was he'd get $5-8 Bil, just to save face.  The bigger Immigration Bill would have easily followed,

Then he demanded $25 Billion for his fake wall and killed it.

And you watched Fox, OAN and NewsMax blame Pelosi.

 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

Title: Re: Joe Biden Bans Use of Term "Illegal Alien"
Post by: horses first on April 20, 2021, 05:54:46 PM
You watch FOX more then the group together lol with all your Tucker coverage.  Idiot ngc3
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