General Category => Harness Racing => Topic started by: Backside bandit on February 13, 2023, 03:04:52 PM

Title: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Backside bandit on February 13, 2023, 03:04:52 PM
365 days but if you don't appeal 60 Days!! Wtf
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Frank the Zipper on February 13, 2023, 03:17:27 PM
Plea Bargaining
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 13, 2023, 03:51:19 PM
In order to get nailed on something like this you would truly have to assume it would be passed on by a groom?? How the fuck could you think you would get away with something like that.  On a another note I noticed a ton of positives already this year most are in Ohio
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: 2fun2betrue on February 13, 2023, 04:56:41 PM
That’s right blame it on the groom, not
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: PucksnHorses on February 13, 2023, 08:36:01 PM
Change of subject, but did you see Gabe Prewitt will be calling the races on an interim basis starting on Feb 25th? So glad, that guy calling the races currently is so bad.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 14, 2023, 01:50:35 PM
Change of subject, but did you see Gabe Prewitt will be calling the races on an interim basis starting on Feb 25th? So glad, that guy calling the races currently is so bad.
Ayers was ok he was interesting but man has Northfield had some bad announcers over the years
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 14, 2023, 01:58:33 PM
In order to get nailed on something like this you would truly have to assume it would be passed on by a groom?? How the fuck could you think you would get away with something like that.  On a another note I noticed a ton of positives already this year most are in Ohio
Rhoades made over 300k in 6 weeks (batting almost .400) this year at NFLD, knowing that he had a meth positive coming. Hubris maybe?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Parked on February 14, 2023, 04:46:46 PM
Change of subject, but did you see Gabe Prewitt will be calling the races on an interim basis starting on Feb 25th? So glad, that guy calling the races currently is so bad.
Hopefully he will change the music.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 14, 2023, 04:50:25 PM
Knew it was coming and jammed them in, grabbed as much as could. Who else knew???? Officials, horsemen etc.? Check gambling patterns?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 14, 2023, 06:33:41 PM
Knew it was coming and jammed them in, grabbed as much as could. Who else knew???? Officials, horsemen etc.? Check gambling patterns?
Bianconi for sure.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 15, 2023, 04:35:33 PM
doesnt anyone find it a little odd that someone would attempt to try and use this shit???   come on the guys wife is a vet he obviously knows the ins and outs better than anyone
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 15, 2023, 04:44:08 PM
doesnt anyone find it a little odd that someone would attempt to try and use this shit???   come on the guys wife is a vet he obviously knows the ins and outs better than anyone
Supposedly the same groom caused both positives at NFLD. Don’t be a Petrelli and take 2nd hand track rumors at face value though.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 15, 2023, 04:55:29 PM
Supposedly the same groom caused both positives at NFLD. Don’t be a Petrelli and take 2nd hand track rumors at face value though.
one would have to assume this kind of positive could  be a groom.  As hot as Rhoades gets and is he would have alot more positives not just one.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on February 15, 2023, 09:34:33 PM
one would have to assume this kind of positive could  be a groom.  As hot as Rhoades gets and is he would have alot more positives not just one.
Was the amount in the system even enough to be performance enhancing for a horse. If there was a test for epo and he got it I would not be shocked but meth I don't think so
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 16, 2023, 09:08:45 AM
If you think he's clean youŕe nuts.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 16, 2023, 04:26:40 PM
If you think he's clean youŕe nuts.
I don't think anyone thinks he's clean. But common sense would know meth isn't going through the test!  Again if meth was some secret he was doing I would assume he would have many more positives considering he dominates Northfield
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: The Exporter on February 17, 2023, 09:29:25 AM
One year suspension or, 60 days if you don't challenge. That shows how weak the Commission's case is.
 This may go like all other cases go when you have a high profile defendant with money to mount a sustained appeal. 3 years from now, it will be case dismissed. 
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 17, 2023, 12:14:58 PM
One year suspension or, 60 days if you don't challenge. That shows how weak the Commission's case is.
 This may go like all other cases go when you have a high profile defendant with money to mount a sustained appeal. 3 years from now, it will be case dismissed.
i would assume he accepted the 60 days since it is on the USTA
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: caddy on February 17, 2023, 01:03:35 PM
i would assume he accepted the 60 days since it is on the USTA

It says APPEAL
and, if you appeal, you gotta serve 365 days.  -  so, apparently, these guys at Northfield don't want to sit out for a year ? is that correct ?

actually, what does Meth do to the horses?  I've seen the people on TV that have been making it is a motel room  -  and, they look pretty rough ..
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 17, 2023, 01:51:33 PM
He has a good eye for talented grooms, Do you know how much piss that horse ate? This is such a piece of crap. Did the groom get tested, fined, suspended or is this just his excuse. Whatever happened to trainer resposibility? If the groom pissed in the stall so it's ok to have meth in your horse. Bullshit
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: chowhound on February 17, 2023, 06:34:40 PM
The same groom must have stopped by Herman Hagermans barn. A designer stimulant just a little to much meth.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 17, 2023, 06:47:44 PM
The same groom must have stopped by Herman Hagermans barn. A designer stimulant just a little to much meth.
I mean there is a groom that paddocks for both, supposedly at least.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Superfecta on February 17, 2023, 07:07:03 PM
It's 2023, don't any of the grooms piss in a toilet ? OR maybe a porta potty ?  WTF
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 18, 2023, 09:50:21 AM
Both Hagerman and Rhoades have appealed. Not sure I see the wisdom in that.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: The Exporter on February 18, 2023, 10:09:47 AM
If you have the $50K + to hire the right lawyer and let the process play out, more than likely your appeal will work out. In the meantime, business as usual.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 18, 2023, 10:45:55 AM
Has the groom been suspended? Who the fuck would have a meth head take paddocks. Oh yeah, nobody knows who's a meth head. Who ever it was needs to be removed from the paddock and tested every time they come to the paddock.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Janny on February 18, 2023, 11:24:37 AM
You can spot a Meth head a mile away- rotten teeth and bad facial skin complexion. That could be have of Ohio though.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Brown jug on February 18, 2023, 11:59:20 AM
only half of ohio, you are being kind
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: EPM on February 18, 2023, 01:57:30 PM
Has the groom been suspended? Who the fuck would have a meth head take paddocks. Oh yeah, nobody knows who's a meth head. Who ever it was needs to be removed from the paddock and tested every time they come to the paddock.
Alot of them are really great around the horses..Granite you run the risk of them p n on the hay
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Ramnap on February 18, 2023, 04:50:50 PM
I don't think those two were using Adderall on their horses but who knows maybe they were. Maybe microdosing? It works for the other stuff. This pg and ng testing is gonna end horse racing and most other drug tested sport. It's possible the groom popped a pill, hit a pipe and then put a tongue tie on. maybe had pill in pocket all day. It's even possible anybody in the state barn did the same thing.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: upthetrack1234 on February 20, 2023, 12:17:32 PM
Howard Taylor will tie this both up in court for so long that people will forget about them!

Then sometime in 2024, Billy will get 15 days and  take a cruise laughing it up in the Bahamas while he serves it
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 20, 2023, 01:37:29 PM
Howard Taylor will tie this both up in court for so long that people will forget about them!

Then sometime in 2024, Billy will get 15 days and  take a cruise laughing it up in the Bahamas while he serves it
Knowing the fuck ups at Northfield, neither will serve a day al a Keith Kash Jr.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Hung Every Step on February 20, 2023, 02:29:57 PM
This positive is the least of Billy Rhoades worries!!  Something much bigger coming that will involve handcuffs!
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 20, 2023, 02:38:03 PM
Hope you're right, can't happen soon enough.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on February 20, 2023, 04:57:20 PM
This positive is the least of Billy Rhoades worries!!  Something much bigger coming that will involve handcuffs!
You don’t gotta give your sources up or anything but that’s a pretty bold statement. Any details or just your opinion?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Harness racer on February 21, 2023, 08:18:05 PM
You don’t gotta give your sources up or anything but that’s a pretty bold statement. Any details or just your opinion?

Maybe he thinks he will be in round 2 of the sweep if there is one.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: upthetrack1234 on February 22, 2023, 05:36:49 AM
Hope you're right, can't happen soon enough.

Jealous of his success? I can get you an autograph if you ‘d like  ngc3
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: matt15301 on February 22, 2023, 12:27:32 PM
Roger, just posted today.

“Big night for Aaron Merriman and Bill Rhoades at MGM Northfield Park at one point they won five straight races on the card. Aaron won two other races to give him a total of seven. Be There!“
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on February 22, 2023, 05:27:38 PM
Bill Rhodes, a poster child for harness racing. I'm not really jealous, you're sticking up for him like he's a saint. This is one of the problems. Idiots look up to these people. I go back to a day when it wasn't a badge of honor to have a positive or have to appeal.You were embarrassed, not bragging about it.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on February 22, 2023, 05:51:54 PM
Bill Rhodes, a poster child for harness racing. I'm not really jealous, you're sticking up for him like he's a saint. This is one of the problems. Idiots look up to these people. I go back to a day when it wasn't a badge of honor to have a positive or have to appeal.You were embarrassed, not bragging about it.
The more positive tests a trainer gets the more horses they get sent to train
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MCR on February 22, 2023, 07:13:34 PM
The more positive tests a trainer gets the more horses they get sent to train
That may be true. But again come on a meth positive.... No one is dumb enough to use that.  Guy has about 60 head he isn't going to risk that to use meth.... Nobody is that dumb
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: caddy on February 22, 2023, 09:08:09 PM
That may be true. But again come on a meth positive.... No one is dumb enough to use that.  Guy has about 60 head he isn't going to risk that to use meth.... Nobody is that dumb

Some folk become larger than life - larger than this sport - larger than any rules.

It's not a question of 'dum-dum'  -  dumb is easily overwhelmed by greed.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on March 12, 2023, 02:27:27 PM
Another meth positive at Mohawk
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Brown jug on March 12, 2023, 04:48:54 PM
do tell
details please
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: HarnessFan1981 on March 12, 2023, 06:01:14 PM
- The Judges received a notification of a positive analysis for the class 1 drug Methamphetamine and its metabolite 4-Hydroxy Methamphetamine.
Horse: Lifeguard (1TP36)
Trainer: Jonathan Panos
Date: Woodbine Mohawk Park 2/20/23 race 2 (finished fourth)
Test Tag: 53 23051 002
Mr. Panos was notified of the positive analysis this evening and was informed that he must have the approval of the Mohawk Judges if any horses are to leave his care. The horse Lifeguard is hereby fully suspended from racing for thirty days (March 11, 2023, through April 9, 2023, inclusive). Ruling number 2084978.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Brown jug on March 12, 2023, 06:34:11 PM
thank you
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Mailbox Money on March 12, 2023, 11:41:42 PM
These could be Adderall transfers. I'm not a100% sure but I was told it will show as a Meth positive! In an environment where caretakers are racing 2 or 3 a night, this is possible for transfer from putting a tongue tie on. Just sayin!
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Harness racer on March 13, 2023, 12:10:00 AM
These could be Adderall transfers. I'm not a100% sure but I was told it will show as a Meth positive! In an environment where caretakers are racing 2 or 3 a night, this is possible for transfer from putting a tongue tie on. Just sayin!

 ngc3  ngc3  ngc3
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on March 13, 2023, 05:57:12 AM
These could be Adderall transfers. I'm not a100% sure but I was told it will show as a Meth positive! In an environment where caretakers are racing 2 or 3 a night, this is possible for transfer from putting a tongue tie on. Just sayin!
Found Rhoades burner account lol

But yes it’s possible it’s from Adderall but realistically…. Most likely meth whether on accident or on purpose.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on March 13, 2023, 11:08:25 AM
Tongue ties again, any possibility no matter how ridiculous it is. Never ending list of Bull Shit. How much transfer could there be, really. Did ya ever notice no one is guilty, always an explanation. Looks llike a duck it's a duck. Never happens to a trainer with a low average.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Parked on March 13, 2023, 01:56:10 PM
Remember the groom that used rogaine ?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Six Pence on March 13, 2023, 04:33:39 PM
That would be a driver, Lewayne Miller, who worked for Irv Miller.  Nothing suspicious there..........(smile.)
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: tellmeaboutit on March 14, 2023, 02:16:30 PM
The man who raced horses exposed to his with strangles that his wife hid…
(Smile again).
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on March 18, 2023, 12:23:34 PM
Another meth positive in Canada
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: MikeAnt on March 18, 2023, 01:56:33 PM
Cory kreiser selling all of the meth horses on ongait
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: pylon on March 18, 2023, 06:53:14 PM
Another meth positive in Canada

same guy
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: caddy on March 18, 2023, 09:31:53 PM
Cory kreiser selling all of the meth horses on ongait

Did he have a meth violation too ?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on March 19, 2023, 04:47:01 PM
Cory kreiser selling all of the meth horses on ongait
What horses
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: HornbyDuke on March 19, 2023, 05:57:03 PM
I dont know what actual numbers are but kreiser' horses arent firing at mohawk. Lot lost form on trip north and the bunch claimed by barn and raced already havent looked special. All could change quickly but first ten days up north this trainer has been a bust.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: jupiter on March 19, 2023, 06:04:20 PM
He stepped on his pedigree, he's not at Northfield or the Meadows. Couldn't train Lassie to bark.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on March 19, 2023, 06:36:03 PM
He stepped on his pedigree, he's not at Northfield or the Meadows. Couldn't train Lassie to bark.
Well that’s just a fucking retarded take.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: ferdinand the bull on March 20, 2023, 08:50:27 AM
I dont know what actual numbers are but kreiser' horses arent firing at mohawk. Lot lost form on trip north and the bunch claimed by barn and raced already havent looked special. All could change quickly but first ten days up north this trainer has been a bust.
Why did he leave Northfield,  Rhoades push him out?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Mailbox Money on March 20, 2023, 05:52:07 PM
Just because you don't see his name, that doesn't mean that he is not racing there !
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: chowhound on March 28, 2023, 07:17:51 PM
Rhoades has sort of cooled off along with a couple of others since the groom stopped pissing in the stall.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: The Exporter on March 29, 2023, 05:47:02 AM
Where is the perennial cheat, Brian Loney?
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: shotgunner on March 29, 2023, 05:49:42 AM
Where is the perennial cheat, Brian Loney?
Blew up the box and took his 30 days. Wife was down as trainer for a bit.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: The Exporter on March 29, 2023, 08:36:25 AM
He has not had a start this year, at Northfield.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: caddy on March 29, 2023, 11:14:58 AM
Hope you're right, can't happen soon enough.

if the associations and commissions refuse to enforce common sense regulation ... the greedy cheaters will continue this short-sighted pillaging and make it impossible for states to subsidize the sport.

What's disgusting is the fools allowing their livelihoods to be destroyed because they refuse to turn in the cheaters.  Every single body knows who's cheating.  Look in Ohio = who is stupid enough to believe that a couple guys are really 3 times better than the rest of the trainers.  3 x's Better than Burke and Virgil ?  Yet not a soul will demand action.  Nobody will claim off the cheaters.  Horses winning every time out and still nobody will claim ....

This juvenile behavior that requesting fairness is just not 'cool' shows just how stupid the people racing must be.  Reality is that people not being cool is causing them to be fools.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Open bridle on March 30, 2023, 04:46:22 AM
if the associations and commissions refuse to enforce common sense regulation ... the greedy cheaters will continue this short-sighted pillaging and make it impossible for states to subsidize the sport.

What's disgusting is the fools allowing their livelihoods to be destroyed because they refuse to turn in the cheaters.  Every single body knows who's cheating.  Look in Ohio = who is stupid enough to believe that a couple guys are really 3 times better than the rest of the trainers.  3 x's Better than Burke and Virgil ?  Yet not a soul will demand action.  Nobody will claim off the cheaters.  Horses winning every time out and still nobody will claim ....

This juvenile behavior that requesting fairness is just not 'cool' shows just how stupid the people racing must be.  Reality is that people not being cool is causing them to be fools.
It has always appeared to me that snitches in the harness racing industry are more despised than the cheaters.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: The Exporter on March 30, 2023, 05:54:21 AM
The challenge is to prove it. Most of the perpetual dopers are using products that are not detectable in the current system. This has been the way it is since the first samples were drawn.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Open bridle on March 30, 2023, 08:48:23 AM
The challenge is to prove it. Most of the perpetual dopers are using products that are not detectable in the current system. This has been the way it is since the first samples were drawn.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: caddy on March 30, 2023, 12:03:56 PM
It has always appeared to me that snitches in the harness racing industry are more despised than the cheaters.

No argument from me at all.  Fact is the folks that fail to snitch are giving away their income by competing v. the cheaters on an unfair race. 

And, at some point, the racinos are gonna bristle at being guilty as associated w/ rigged horse gaming.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Ohracing on March 30, 2023, 09:55:20 PM
So what are the other trainers supposed to say we can't win because we know they are cheating.  You need proof the commission is in charge of that unless you have first hand knowledge of what they use or when they inject the horses with the dope you can't do anything.  They would just be another trainer sore because they get beat. Speculation isn't proof.  Now if the commission wanted to set up secret cameras in their barns to see what is going on they might find something.  There is 1 investigator for all 7 racetracks in Ohio.
Title: Re: Meth positives at Northfield
Post by: Mailbox Money on March 31, 2023, 10:40:19 AM
People have to band together and form a committee to address the commission. Until the right person steps forward and enlists backers to support a movement for change, everything will remain status quo.
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