General Category => Thoroughbred Racing => Topic started by: Rdp066 on November 01, 2023, 07:44:00 PM

Title: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Rdp066 on November 01, 2023, 07:44:00 PM
My nomination is Matt since this scumbag has never had a pick four, pick five or pick six correct selection in all the time I have been watching which has been years.  I wrote TVG and asked them to print the ROI for all their handicappers at the bottom of the screen before announcing their selections.  Of course, they didn't have the courage to do so since it would surely show a bunch of losers which nobody should pay attention to that is a serious gambler.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 01, 2023, 07:56:00 PM
Interisting TOPIC.
Of course all these moronic idiots would never run a ROI.
(1) CARROTHERS. Nice solections over years. He be down 2 MILLION.
(2) Loud mouth SCHRUP. He be down 20 MILLION.
It just a fuc CLOWN SHOW.
And this is nice. Whenever a CALI horse runnin anywhere out of CALI, these 2 clowns all over it. No matter which way. Talkin the shit up about it. And of course the PIG runs out. And then never a word after the race. And talk about BAFFERT and other CAL trainer LOVERS. The fuckin CREW is A GOD DAMN JOKE.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 01, 2023, 08:06:04 PM
But guareentee,this FRIDAY and SATURDAY, they gonna be LOVIN CALI HORSES At SANTA.
JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna give his advice for FRIDAY and SATURDAY.
GRASS RACES: YOU bet horses comin from East AND midwest ON turf. john frank army SAY'S SO.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: theokodjak26 on November 01, 2023, 09:15:15 PM
And do you believe how ultra excited about $2,500 quarter horse claiming races at Los Al? You would think these were triple crown races. Then you see the winners circle with all the trainers with holes in their pants and women who have consumed way too many enchiladas.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Dingus on November 01, 2023, 10:14:24 PM
Not to mention that since Fan Duel took over, the bottom of the tv screen now shows a bunch of BS instead of the horse #s, names, odds, etc.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Generation XYZ on November 01, 2023, 10:35:45 PM
John Frank. My Man, where you been?  I agree Carrothers is a dildo.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: BoKnows on November 03, 2023, 03:16:25 AM
I feel like Carruthers has cost me tons of money over the years as he always touts the lone speed horses. You used to get overlays on these horses all the time. Now the casual fan who puts on TVG once in a while looks for these opportunities as well. You will never get a gift like One Dreamer in the BC Distaff anymore. I miss the good old days when there was so much dead money. Now there is too much information that is too easy to get.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 04, 2023, 02:42:01 PM
XYZ. JOHN FRANK ARMY explain in segments.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 04, 2023, 02:58:46 PM
So about 3 months ago,JOHN FRANK ARMY'S vehichle was attempted to be stolen. Even though it ANTI-STOLEN preventible. The 2 young fucks used a hammer and screwdriver to break and turn ignition. Tore apart the panelining which I keep on inside of car immaculate. So got the fucks fingerprints and also VIDIO of the 2 FUCS. By the way: they be WHITE CAUCASIAN FUCS. And HOW DARE they attempt to steal JOHN FRANK ARMY car. On BUMPER is: US.ARMY. Did not have a vehichle for 3 and 1/2 weeks. Cop called me and said would you like to go to court. I said: by all means. Want to look at the 2 fucks that cost me $1,800. out of pocket and disrespectin a VET. Court date ain't till Mid-January 2024. Don't expect any compensation,but I will tell the 2 fucks. You FUCKED with the wrong person. Now I see yooose and yooouse will be seein me sometime. Me over and yooouse beginnin. Check that reverse.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 04, 2023, 03:05:19 PM
JOHN FRANK ARMY has every immune shot that exists.
So's right after I'ss become ill. Coughin non-stop violently for 10 days. Could not catch me breath  and swallowin COUGH SYRUP non-stop. I survived.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 04, 2023, 03:31:58 PM
So on the 11th day I wake at 4AM. I feel great. Had not eaten much for 10 days. I'M hungry. I eats. 2 hours later I come down with worst toothache in HISTORY. A back moler. Bear in mind over years I'VE been barterin with me dentist for tradin work for dental. He owns a huge horse farm and his daughters own a huge one on property next to him. I did all their work also in exchange for dental. And he did me good. Put in permanent bridges. Me mouth be secure. Then 6 months ago he tells me me mouth gone. You need about $40,000. I say's WHAT the fuc you talkin about. Then he adds I no want to work on anyone over 75. I'M afraid they you can have a heart O-TACK. I say's ok. FUC OFF. Give me me records. I heads to a DENTAL school. I'ss arrive and these people tell me youuuse need a lot of work. I say's how long you think it take. The studend goes: All summer and you be fine. I've been there 5 months and they have takin a zillion X-rays and have pulled 2 teeth and given me a teeth cleanin. Then they tell me they not experienced enough to pull back moler. I'ss must go elsewhere. FINE. the tooth implodes. I goes to another dentist that I have frequented. He EXTRACTs and that was BRUTAL.
Here me thought for you younsters. You teeth at you age are fine now. If you feel at a point you need to attend a DENTAL SCHOOL: DON'T. The STUDENT'S are like any other MAJOR and some are good,but most are FLUNK OUTS. Anyhow I'SS got insurance to pay for everythin this year and next. When it comes to replacin and havin partials. It will take 2 years.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: mottoman on November 05, 2023, 07:55:16 AM
Them dentists have a racket going for the most part.  I have no dental last year needed a crown cost me 1,650 cash.   Hard to shop it around when you in pain.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: theokodjak26 on November 05, 2023, 12:35:20 PM
A few companies sell discount dental plans. They aren’t very expensive and it is not an insurance policy. I have a Cigna dental discount plan. Just one new crown, $1,600, the savings will pay for 2-3 years premiums. You just have to make sure your dentist participates. Call 18004949294 for info in your area.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Generation XYZ on November 05, 2023, 07:59:26 PM
JOHN FRANK ARMY has every immune shot that exists.
So's right after I'ss become ill. Coughin non-stop violently for 10 days. Could not catch me breath  and swallowin COUGH SYRUP non-stop. I survived.

yeah seems like its hit everyone early this fall. Get better my man.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Newt Lobell on November 16, 2023, 08:53:51 PM
Mike Joyce is the biggest douchebag of them all.

Simon Bray seems to pick a lot if winners. Matt Bernier is a very good handicapper. The guy has come a long way from the Horseplayers series.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: JOHN FRANK on November 16, 2023, 09:40:27 PM
I'll say this.
If one trusts another to select pony's, Yousses got no business ever placin a wager.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Kirbys Ace on November 16, 2023, 11:29:55 PM

Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Dingus on November 17, 2023, 12:43:04 AM
I could care less about their handicappers.  What I despise is the bottom of the tv screen is full of fan duel nonsense while the race is being run, thereby, cutting off the running positions of the horses during the race.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Newt Lobell on November 17, 2023, 08:00:02 AM
I could care less about their handicappers.  What I despise is the bottom of the tv screen is full of fan duel nonsense while the race is being run, thereby, cutting off the running positions of the horses during the race.

Additionally, when a host says the horse was plus 450 instead of 9-2, I say shut up.

Another issue is that for whatever reason they don’t show the final time of the race.

I find Christina  to be obnoxious and full of herself.

I try to use my RTN feed when possible.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Generation XYZ on November 18, 2023, 10:40:59 PM
Additionally, when a host says the horse was plus 450 instead of 9-2, I say shut up.

Another issue is that for whatever reason they don’t show the final time of the race.

I find Christina  to be obnoxious and full of herself.

I try to use my RTN feed when possible.

RTN feed always consistent.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: harnessplop on February 04, 2024, 08:34:58 PM
Is that pettirwxfiel still on there ..I think mets catcher was trying xterm sate her from yrs ago
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Generation XYZ on February 08, 2024, 09:01:50 AM
Is that pettirwxfiel still on there ..I think mets catcher was trying xterm sate her from yrs ago

Horseplop you OK? your message doesnt make sense. Did you suffere a head injury or to much to drink?
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Rdp066 on February 18, 2024, 06:01:02 PM
Mike Joyce is pretty close in my opinion for being the biggest douchebag on the set.  You can't forget Peter who thinks he is funny and entertaining and the Sarge who is a complete disaster on the Quarters since he knows jack shit about the breed and thinks he can pick every pick four and pick six they offer while losing his ass nightly. 
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Generation XYZ on February 19, 2024, 01:19:10 PM
Mike Joyce should become an Uber driver. Handicapping is not his gig. ngc3
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Newt Lobell on February 20, 2024, 08:38:50 PM
The latest douchebag is this kid, Kyle Levy. What a tool.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Newt Lobell on February 20, 2024, 08:42:17 PM
Mike Joyce should become an Uber driver. Handicapping is not his gig. ngc3

Been on for over 20 years and is the worst. Recall him saying that Always Dreaming would go undefeated after his lucky rail skimming trip winning the Derby. The colt never won again.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Superfecta on March 02, 2024, 10:58:13 AM
I don’t know any of these losers. I watch the track feed for whichever track I’m betting and since those people suck as well the sound is always off.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: harnessplop on March 02, 2024, 12:06:51 PM
How many females are on tvg....they had one cute girl was daughter or a trainer
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: Harness Stats on March 06, 2024, 11:05:58 PM
You mean Brittney Eurton.  Her favorite angle is first time gelding.  Cute but if thats what she's into better watch out.  ngc3
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: mtnskipper on March 07, 2024, 10:37:24 AM
Mike Joyce should become an Uber driver. Handicapping is not his gig. ngc3
  He seems to like to eat though. He has gained about 30 lbs. since TVG has been on.
Title: Re: Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper
Post by: onabrake on March 07, 2024, 11:06:46 AM
  He seems to like to eat though. He has gained about 30 lbs. since TVG has been on.

Dave Weaver has gained twice as much and Todd Schrupp has put back on the 50 -75 he lost over the last two years.
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