General Category => Political Roundtable => Topic started by: Hush Limbaugh II on March 06, 2024, 04:00:02 PM
So once again Don the Con and his attorneys PROMISE no issue with posting the appeal money. When it come$$ time to put up or $$hutup Don the Con claims he wasn't allowed to testify, or allowed to ramble his B$$$ in court. Gee Don that's what court is. Present the FACT$$$, not the B$$$.
Bankrupt how many times ??? Fucked over how many people in his lifetime including contractors who worked for him !!!
It's all one big M$$UNDE$$TANDING, $$ure it is 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp.
It truly is amazing how one fu clown is allowed to constantly manipulate the court system.
Delay, delay, delay, appeal, appeal, appeal and $$pread more B$$ 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Because he is inno"cent" 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
The worst human being ever to step foot into the White House.
So once again Don the Con and his attorneys PROMISE no issue with posting the appeal money. When it come$$ time to put up or $$hutup Don the Con claims he wasn't allowed to testify, or allowed to ramble his B$$$ in court. Gee Don that's what court is. Present the FACT$$$, not the B$$$.
Bankrupt how many times ??? Fucked over how many people in his lifetime including contractors who worked for him !!!
It's all one big M$$UNDE$$TANDING, $$ure it is 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp.
It truly is amazing how one fu clown is allowed to constantly manipulate the court system.
Delay, delay, delay, appeal, appeal, appeal and $$pread more B$$ 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Because he is inno"cent" 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
And I guess those Dems in the GA case involving fani and her lover/lawyer are not talking BS?
Many companies file for BK, mostly for reorganization of their debt. Its 100 percent legal.
At a trial everyone including you have the right to take the stand and say what they want, it seems you approve of soviet style trials where you get ram rodded and sent to the gulag without a peep or a defense.
He won pretty much everything last night ngc3
tmbz1 tmbz1 tmbz1
YIME for JOHN FRANK ARMY too respond.....Where to start.
(1) The DRAFT DODGIN POS now goin he wants to debate. Did not want to before. But here the thin. FAT SLOP POS goin: I will DEBATE, "ANYTIME,ANYWHERE,ANYPLACE:> The FAT FUC could't debate a 5 year old. Has the same intellect as one that age ,but certainly has a enormous potential for vast improvement. FAT FUC DRAFT DODGIN POS stuck at that level. Do brings me too his retarted statement. Ain't ANYWHERE,ANYPLACE the same FUCKIN THIN. RETARD POS would not know differance. .....TOO BE CONTINUED.
{2}. POS,DRAFT DODGIN FAT SLOP constantly mockin BIDEN. JOHN FRANK ARMY has watched maybe 75% of TRUMP RALLY'S. EVERY one of those he say's EXACTLY the same SHIT. NOTIN different except one thin. MEMBER he said: I will end WARS in 24 hours. Now he sayin ,none of this SHIT would have happened if me PREZ. STick to ORIGINAL you FAT SLOP ,DRAFT DODGIN POS. And all the 400LB whale has is his RALLY'S with the most MAGA SHITS of all time. BIDEN got other SHIT on his mind. He makin decisions constantly. And he doin a great job. POS DRAFT DODGER meanwhile, when ask on FOX: HOW will you corect everythin. THE FAT FUCKIN WHALE goes: I can't tell you, MY oppenent would then implement me plan. Which reminds me also. FAT DRAFT DODGIN POS mocks BIDEN for sittin in a beach chair at beach takin in some rays. FAT SLOP TRUMP lately sportin the face fake sun tan. Can one imagine this FAT SLOP DRAFT DODGIN POS BEACHEH WHALE enjoyin a day at beach with his shirt and pants off. Would not that make headlines. .....TOO BE CONTINUED......
(3) YOOOSE all knows FOX will tonight just ezcerpt flaws of PRESIDENT BIDEN speakin at STATE OF UNION. Notice how FOX says he has to use note cards.
Anyone at FOX ever attended COLLEGE. Every had a couple courses in SPEECH. Everyone uses NOTE CARDS. ME,JOHN FRANK ARMY were fortunate. Me was a little bit older than me classmates. Me speeches were about me experiences. ARMY,CBR,LOTTERY,and spendin 3 days livin on MADISON STREET SKID ROW IN downtown CHICAGO. Stayed in same BED BUG invested hotel as THE MASS MURDERER SAILOR. Quit the EXPERIENCE. Wrote a paper about it. POINT is!. Everyone uses NOTE CARDS when speakin,especially when one has to refer to different subjects. FAT SLOP,DRAFT DODGIN BOY no NEED. THE FAT FUC every time repeats the SAME SHIT over and OVER AGAIN. TOO be continued.....
(4) Here another thin for you uneducated REBUG MAGA FUCKS.
AS PRESIDENT, one can be sure that person can have any DRUGS he needs. It obvious,PRESIDENT TRUMP refuses. Maybe because he proud his own son is OFF for 3 years and he no want his son to think it OK for him to be on OPIOD MEDS. I cann SEE,JOE BIDEN has a major back problem. It comes with growin older. ARTHRITAS catches up. It in lower spine. All older have to walk more gently. NO ONE WANTS TO FALL and break a HIP or other BONES. The days of fast recuperation are LONG GONE.
JOE just doin what most do at age.
Know you got FAT SLOP POS,DRAFT DODGER. Notice the FUC at RALLY'S . HAS to stand tottally erect. Can't bend over. He wearin a back brace. OH YEAH. And notice how he complains after his performance. The lights are too bright,the TEMP is too high. YA know why that is. DONNIE JR. has FAT SLOP loaded up on PHETS. That why the FAT SLOP sweatin like he in a STEAM BATH. TAT why he GIRLY DANCE has slowed down. HE only points fingers these days. JR. is gonna have to load FAT BOY up big time in next 8 months. TOO BE CONTINUED.....
So once again Don the Con and his attorneys PROMISE no issue with posting the appeal money. When it come$$ time to put up or $$hutup Don the Con claims he wasn't allowed to testify, or allowed to ramble his B$$$ in court. Gee Don that's what court is. Present the FACT$$$, not the B$$$.
Bankrupt how many times ??? Fucked over how many people in his lifetime including contractors who worked for him !!!
It's all one big M$$UNDE$$TANDING, $$ure it is 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp.
It truly is amazing how one fu clown is allowed to constantly manipulate the court system.
Delay, delay, delay, appeal, appeal, appeal and $$pread more B$$ 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Because he is inno"cent" 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Might need to contact Howard Taylor for the appeal money 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Come on Don the Con, time to PONY UP da CA$$$$$$$H ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
What happens to Biden when he leaves office and is sued for a billion by some rogue rep prosecutor and judge?
This might wind up being tit for tat if it stands.
You are looking through a crooked glass if you think half a billion dollars is a fair judgement where there are no victims.
Everybody got paid.
Do you think it's fair that the judge made a ruling that Trump must come up with the cash in 30 days and not use a bank?
Every real estate deal in NYS involves overestimating the value of property, sometimes the lenders overestimate the value if they really want that deal.
And I guess those Dems in the GA case involving fani and her lover/lawyer are not talking BS?
Many companies file for BK, mostly for reorganization of their debt. Its 100 percent legal.
At a trial everyone including you have the right to take the stand and say what they want, it seems you approve of soviet style trials where you get ram rodded and sent to the gulag without a peep or a defense.
Yep, he certainly "reorganized his debt" in Atlantic City. Bankrupt 6 times, absolutely lost his fat gut shirt and been out of the casino game for many years. One has to be a complete business moron to bankrupt casinos or just plain greed, to the point of collapse. Those same casinos now KILLING IT month after month in AC, minus the orange mango. ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Yep, he certainly "reorganized his debt" in Atlantic City. Bankrupt 6 times, absolutely lost his fat gut shirt and been out of the casino game for many years. One has to be a complete business moron to bankrupt casinos or just plain greed, to the point of collapse. Those same casinos now KILLING IT month after month in AC, minus the orange mango. ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Between your post and Hush's, I see a multitude of contradictions and false assumptions.
Firstly, filing bankruptcy to reorganizing debt is 100 percent legal.
The bankruptcies were certainly filed by separate corporations and not Trump himself; he likely is an officer or board member of those corporations.
If those bankruptcies were so terrible why were banks willing to lend him tens of millions afterward?
I suggest you two watch some other channels besides CNN and MSNBC and read some books.
BTW, have you been to A/C lately during the week? Tumbleweeds.
Don't be a fucking idiot your whole life, trying to spin DT's mismanagement of AC on other people. He burnt it all to the ground and was run out of town forever. Yeah, separate corporations and not Trump himself ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 how much fucking kool aid have you swallowed. He was the chief proprietor in any and every entity of the AC collapse, period. The clown is LEVERAGED to his eyeballs and under water right now. Banks fault for loaning him millions because he bleeds cash every minute of the day and loan notes are coming due by the mega millions.
Don't be a fucking idiot your whole life, trying to spin DT's mismanagement of AC on other people. He burnt it all to the ground and was run out of town forever. Yeah, separate corporations and not Trump himself ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 how much fucking kool aid have you swallowed. He was the chief proprietor in any and every entity of the AC collapse, period. The clown is LEVERAGED to his eyeballs and under water right now. Banks fault for loaning him millions because he bleeds cash every minute of the day and loan notes are coming due by the mega millions.
Your statements are flawed and not factual. A/C has been declining for years, many different casinos have closed that have nothing to do with Trump or his companies.
Banks are not in the business of losing cash. Usually, banks practice due diligence before extending credit.
SIX FUCKING TIMES to "reorganize debt"...... ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
He fucking lost a fortune and packed his bags for his next cash losing scheme and sucker to invest in him. EVERY ONE of his real estate holdings, golf courses and ventures like Truth Social are bleeding huge sums of losses and finally NOBODY will come forward with cash to save him..... AKA no $464 million for YOU DT.
A complete and total business con man loser who will start having his NYC buildings sold off next week at bargain basement prices.
SIX FUCKING TIMES to "reorganize debt"...... ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
He fucking lost a fortune and packed his bags for his next cash losing scheme and sucker to invest in him. EVERY ONE of his real estate holdings, golf courses and ventures like Truth Social are bleeding huge sums of losses and finally NOBODY will come forward with cash to save him..... AKA no $464 million for YOU DT.
A complete and total business con man loser who will start having his NYC buildings sold off next week at bargain basement prices.
On the other hand you can pull the lever for the super sharp always honest and amazing with finances Biden, he bought 3 mansions on a government worker salary.
I know and expect you to vote for squeaky clean smart as a whip agile President Biden to do the same job he done for the last 3 years.
Make sure you buy lube before you vote.
So once again Don the Con and his attorneys PROMISE no issue with posting the appeal money. When it come$$ time to put up or $$hutup Don the Con claims he wasn't allowed to testify, or allowed to ramble his B$$$ in court. Gee Don that's what court is. Present the FACT$$$, not the B$$$.
Bankrupt how many times ??? Fucked over how many people in his lifetime including contractors who worked for him !!!
It's all one big M$$UNDE$$TANDING, $$ure it is 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp.
It truly is amazing how one fu clown is allowed to constantly manipulate the court system.
Delay, delay, delay, appeal, appeal, appeal and $$pread more B$$ 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Because he is inno"cent" 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
In a state of "in no cents" ngc3
On the other hand you can pull the lever for the super sharp always honest and amazing with finances Biden, he bought 3 mansions on a government worker salary.
I know and expect you to vote for squeaky clean smart as a whip agile President Biden to do the same job he done for the last 3 years.
Make sure you buy lube before you vote.
Too funny....... seen the stock market lately ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3. Being fucking retired, with a fat pension on the backs of taxpaying slobs, a 401k invested heavily in companies like Microsoft and Nvidia ant a CD at 5.55 percent while a moron like you swallows magat kool aid. Yeah the last year and three quarters has been terrible ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3. Some fools NEVER LEARN.
Too funny....... seen the stock market lately ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3. Being fucking retired, with a fat pension on the backs of taxpaying slobs, a 401k invested heavily in companies like Microsoft and Nvidia ant a CD at 5.55 percent while a moron like you swallows magat kool aid. Yeah the last year and three quarters has been terrible ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3. Some fools NEVER LEARN.
I want to see how many laughing faces you post when Biden kicks in his proposed taxes including a 28 pct capital gain tax and a tax on ghost capital gains, stock market goes poof.
I had to a double take, I thought you posted being retarded, its retired.
You are a regular Thurston Howell the third, or Daddy Warbucks.
I want to see how many laughing faces you post when Biden kicks in his proposed taxes including a 28 pct capital gain tax and a tax on ghost capital gains, stock market goes poof.
I had to a double take, I thought you posted being retarded, its retired.
You are a regular Thurston Howell the third, or Daddy Warbucks.
Another magamoron thinking the stock market is going poof. Keep having those teeth fall out, while I watch AI stocks shoot to the moon. 401k today made more on paper than you make in a year at McDonalds. 28 percent capital gains means I make 72 percent, hows that for math, I make 72 % just watching Bloomberg and you send nickels and dimes to your savior while your teeth fall out.
Another magamoron thinking the stock market is going poof. Keep having those teeth fall out, while I watch AI stocks shoot to the moon. 401k today made more on paper than you make in a year at McDonalds. 28 percent capital gains means I make 72 percent, hows that for math, I make 72 % just watching Bloomberg and you send nickels and dimes to your savior while your teeth fall out.
Well , I've been busy this week. It was my girlfriends birthday and I bought her a brand new Rolls Royce convertible with mink interior. I took her out to the most expensive restaurant I could find for filet mignon and lobster with an appetizer of Russian caviar.
Oh yea, did I mention I bought 5000 shares of Nvidia when it was a penny stock for 3 cents a share.
Sorry to post and run but I have to pack for my weekend in Portugal and my Lear jet is waiting.
Well , I've been busy this week. It was my girlfriends birthday and I bought her a brand new Rolls Royce convertible with mink interior. I took her out to the most expensive restaurant I could find for filet mignon and lobster with an appetizer of Russian caviar.
Oh yea, did I mention I bought 5000 shares of Nvidia when it was a penny stock for 3 cents a share.
Sorry to post and run but I have to pack for my weekend in Portugal and my Lear jet is waiting.
Dreaming is fun isn’t it?
Dreaming is fun isn’t it?
Now that you mention dreams,
last night I had a terrible ghastly nightmare that I was retired and living on a taxpayer funded pension, a CD earning 5.55 pct interest, and a 401k. I woke up in a cold sweat, shook my head in panic and then realized it was all a terrible dream and I was still a billionaire.
NVDA never sold for 3 cents. NEVER
It did if you knew the right people, insiders.
You need to belong to the club to know these things.
On the other hand you can pull the lever for the super sharp always honest and amazing with finances Biden, he bought 3 mansions on a government worker salary.
I know and expect you to vote for squeaky clean smart as a whip agile President Biden to do the same job he done for the last 3 years.
Make sure you buy lube before you vote.
Good for him!!
The “DUMB” ones get CAUGHT’ the ‘SMART’ ones don’t!
We won’t mention the “DUMB” ones—-you might not like the one on the top of the list!!
Your point is??
Don the "CON" stock is crumbling. Time for you MAGA suckers to jump in and buy some more 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
If there is a God DJT stock will be worthless within 5 months
There is always those GOLD PRICELESS SNEAKERS 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
DJT down again today ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Time for the MAGA supporters to go ALL IN 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
DJT down again today ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Time for the MAGA supporters to go ALL IN 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Don't worry, I will lend you a towel to cry in when November rolls around and Trump is elected president.
Don't worry, I will lend you a towel to cry in when November rolls around and Trump is elected president.
Stock down again today. Jump in. 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Stock down again today. Jump in. 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
If you were paying attention the WHOLE stock market dropped over the past 2 days.
Stock down again today. Jump in. 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Bro, that boy is paying 18% interest on getting a couple teeth fixed.
He ain't buying shit.
Help, I’m in danger of losing my 1957 house trailer i live in. I bought God’s chosen ones stock at 79 and it's at 30 in just 17 days. Should i double up on my 20 cent tris or go big and double up on my dollar exactas. Down to my last 50 shares Dogecoin and 2 bags of returnable bottles. Help me Orange Jesus please!!
Bro, that boy is paying 18% interest on getting a couple teeth fixed.
He ain't buying shit.
So says plops own toothless wonder.
DJT on a run south 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Time to buy some more CON you MAGA Lovers ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
So says plops own toothless wonder.
Quit projecting your own broke-ass poor dental health on me.
Stop trolling Calhoun.
You've been told.
So says plops own toothless wonder.
Time to buy DJT worthless stock yet? Down to 26 for Sleepy Don.
Which is fading faster?
What’s a better investment? DJT stock or the shit coming out of your ass? Tough call
Quit projecting your own broke-ass poor dental health on me.
Stop trolling Calhoun.
You've been told.
May I remind you most times you just show up in a thread and attack me. No trolling by me.
Now Don the Con says "I am too innocent, why should I testify" 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp 11.wp
Only Mob bosses take the fifth ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Live and in color Don the Con 73cv.2 73cv.2 73cv.2 73cv.2