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Harness Racing / Jenn B crying on Facebook
« Last post by BigMFan on December 26, 2024, 07:54:11 PM »
This is quite hysterical.  The father screwed so many people out of money now she’s crying of getting stiffed.  What a family this is.

Harness Racing / Re: Freehold Raceway auction
« Last post by Lar4400 on December 26, 2024, 07:36:26 PM »
Agree that no one has heard a word about any auction. Asked the person that posted that info to fill us in but never did see a response.
Harness Racing / Re: Preparing the gates and fences at Freehold.
« Last post by kantseeback on December 26, 2024, 07:20:41 PM »
Your correct that place is definitely got some coin but your stuff 30 minutes from the track crazy prices multi million dollar homes . Them folks ain’t betting horses

In my area a dinky 2 bdrm small house is 500,000, everywhere I look there is new construction. They are building on every inch they can find. Mostly condos and mcmansions.
Harness Racing / Re: Chris Allen NFLD must be desperate
« Last post by sledge hammer on December 26, 2024, 07:17:31 PM »
Needles, syringes, tubing....and he's still a 2% trainer?  ngc3 ngc3
Harness Racing / Re: 21 gun salute at Freehold in 36 hours .
« Last post by kantseeback on December 26, 2024, 07:14:40 PM »
How many on this board plan on attending this Saturday?  I will definitely be there as I plan to overdose on Wawa coffee with whole milk so i can take one final shit while thinking of Howard Bruno's face.

My pleasure in seeing the 5-10 harness douche bags like fat shit All and his friends leaving for the final time at 5:00.  These are the dirt bags who are there seven days a week betting only harness. Their wives look like dog shit so this is the only pleasure they get out of life.

I will be in my "office" on the second floor outside the dining room where the biggest crook of a teller resides, Bobby.  This POS should have been fired years ago.

Green seedless grapes give me diarrhea, so I plan on eating a bunch of them and head over to Freehold to bless one of their thrones with a case of the Hershey squirts.
Harness Racing / Re: Southwind Amazon is in for $5,000
« Last post by Harness racer on December 26, 2024, 07:07:20 PM »
Look who the owner is.  Has always employed biggest scumbags in the game!
Harness Racing / Re: Southwind Amazon is in for $5,000
« Last post by Swandre on December 26, 2024, 07:05:56 PM »
it would be great if he got claimed and got the retirement he deserves 
Harness Racing / Re: Chris Allen NFLD must be desperate
« Last post by Harness racer on December 26, 2024, 07:02:51 PM »
Please elaborate  ngc3
Harness Racing / Re: Big Dick Drivers
« Last post by Harness racer on December 26, 2024, 06:58:53 PM »
This is by far the all time gayest topic on here.  Some of you have issues!
Harness Racing / Re: Southwind Amazon is in for $5,000
« Last post by sledge hammer on December 26, 2024, 06:58:18 PM »
The connections were interviewed in the winner's circle after winning last week (nice win too, not cheap) and they seemed indifferent when asked what happens when he's done racing, almost like they dodged the question. Left a really bad taste in my mouth.
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  • KING HAKU: I own real estate what do you own you fucking MUTT! Take care of your family deadbeat
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