MONTI wed aft observation
two Beeler horses
7th race 6 lightup...
10th race 4 adorable ben
Both with 'big' chunks of win money going to post as favorites,,both ended 3rd!!, ((which to guys with programs wasnt illogical)))
BUT THE QUESTION IS: with more than the half crowd betting blindly without program,,horsemen 'seed' win pool with deliberately misleading win bets to get the dumbasses, looking at the low odds on the tv, to include their horse highup the exotic tickets...meantim e the horsemen w--a--a---a---a---y ahead of the stupid uninformed gambler,,as the horsemen just destroy the ex tri and super...
i know it happens many many times, especially on cheaper operations like Monti....just observation,,and feel very confident in making it. its dirty,,but it is b track harness we are talking about AND ANYTHING GOES