Author Topic: Is Burke Walking The Meadowlands Paddock With Both Middle Fingers In The Air?  (Read 12547 times)

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Better start him on hooked on phonics

Low Groove

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The other drivers let Gingras do what he wants. There was a time when Jeff Gural made threats to drivers who were giving holes.


Just like at Dover, Tim Tetrick can do what he wants without any rebuff from the entire driver colony there. All the trainers & drivers at Dover are Tetricks bitch.

I really enjoy the racing in Ohio, drivers actually park people


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Unless a finding is made no one will know officially. So it's all opinion.

However, the excuses I hear are all the same type other ped users in other sports vociferously made right up till they were caught. Listening to Armstrong lie for years is classic stuff.

Why do these training coups always occur in brief streaks. My guess is this barn will go cold at the big m soon. If this was all just training prowess, explain why it's brief streaks when this happens and accriss the entire card. Even the official track handicappers will say watch how the barn is doing that night. We all know that translates to watch whether something funky is going on.

Ask yourself this, after that performance this wknd if you life d pended on answering whether this was gas related,  would you answer yes or no.

That answer for me is quite easy.

It'll hurt the big m only  a tad (probably not much at first) unless the barn continues to tear up the track. Folks started to look elsewhere when pena was tearing up Yonkers. And, there's other games in town now.

Obviously just an opinion though.


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Unless a finding is made no one will know officially. So it's all opinion.

However, the excuses I hear are all the same type other ped users in other sports vociferously made right up till they were caught. Listening to Armstrong lie for years is classic stuff.

Why do these training coups always occur in brief streaks. My guess is this barn will go cold at the big m soon. If this was all just training prowess, explain why it's brief streaks when this happens and accriss the entire card. Even the official track handicappers will say watch how the barn is doing that night. We all know that translates to watch whether something funky is going on.

Ask yourself this, after that performance this wknd if you life d pended on answering whether this was gas related,  would you answer yes or no.

That answer for me is quite easy.

It'll hurt the big m only  a tad (probably not much at first) unless the barn continues to tear up the track. Folks started to look elsewhere when pena was tearing up Yonkers. And, there's other games in town now.

Obviously just an opinion though.

When Jeff Gural created A fiefdom at the meadowlands, it created an uneven playing field. Burke’s real training competitors arent allowed to compete at the meadowlands.


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Mr Burke should be known as the Greatest horseman of all time Greatest husband of all time Greatest human of all time Greatest benfacactor of all time Greatest friend of all time Greatest scholar of all time Just simply the GOAT in every aspect of life

Bernie Madoff

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GOAT post.  ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
He who laughs last, laughs best.


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If you think about it rationally GOATBurke never gets a break His drivers never have it easy Race secs constantly screw him and Pocono/Chester won't allow him multiple horses in the overnights The good news is Ronny will be allowed to race up to 4 horses in a race soon at the Meadows Also heard he was the Greatest tipper of all time to his staff


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The GOAT  Burke should have received some sort of Presidential medal for the farewell tour of Foiled Again He brought in record crowds at each stop and donated all the purse money to down on their luck honest horsemen It was a great gesture by the GOAT and he received no publicity for it

Bernie Madoff

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  • In the beginning, man created"god".
The GOAT  Burke should have received some sort of Presidential medal for the farewell tour of Foiled Again He brought in record crowds at each stop and donated all the purse money to down on their luck honest horsemen It was a great gesture by the GOAT and he received no publicity for it

Thanks, Ron.
He who laughs last, laughs best.

Fair is fair

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The GOAT  Burke should have received some sort of Presidential medal for the farewell tour of Foiled Again He brought in record crowds at each stop and donated all the purse money to down on their luck honest horsemen It was a great gesture by the GOAT and he received no publicity for it
thats a joke statement...  record crowds? WHERE? And every track made the race just for foiled... it would be nice to know how many of the tests were actually tested....


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Harrahs Philly had 28 people there to watch FA race The average crowd is 14 So they had a100% increase We should thank RB for all the great things he has done for harness racing Hopefully more tracks will come to their senses and allow him to race multiple horses in the overnights

Fair is fair

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Harrahs Philly had 28 people there to watch FA race The average crowd is 14 So they had a100% increase We should thank RB for all the great things he has done for harness racing Hopefully more tracks will come to their senses and allow him to race multiple horses in the overnights
ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3


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Interesting opinion, however, when you win $ or races, you have to face better competition.  That could be another reason for "going cold".

Good point. Only 1 Saturday was a claimer. Looking back at Saturdays winners, all 5 we're  legitimate contenders. Only ginger tree Marty was ml 8-1.

2 of the five looked very hard to beat on paper.

Still 11 of 13 is tough to figure. Some were off layoffs. I see Burke ship in horses that fit the same profiles as these and usually some are flat. That wasn't the case last weekend.


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“The more you win with conditioned horses there’s more of a chance the next losing streak is coming,” said Burke, “because they are up in class after winning. I don’t need to win that many in any weekend anyway, I just need to be consistent.”

Lol.  Burke is quoting your post. A second career in the offing is looking for you in public relations. tmbz1

A barn his size has horses moving up and down conditions every week. So the droppers should continue at the 11 out 13 rate.

Regardless what was behind this whether oats and swimming in pools, quality of horse, or something other; this guy clearly knows what he's doing and my guess is this all involved a message to gural.


shout out

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