I am not but this is what I would like to be EXPLORED. SHHA has a decent bank roll and I think it would be the right thing to do and assist those who shortly will be in dire need of funds. I can only suspect that if racing stays dormant for any length of time owners will start to leave the business or turn horses out or look for lower training fees, all of which is normal under these circumstances. Other clients will remain true but that may be the exception, I don't know. What I suggest is that some type of relief measures now be studied and implemented such as paying for health insurance, offering no interest loans etc. It's not up to me to come up with ideas but there are many ways all horsemen organizations can help their full time members. If you think this is a good idea pass it on to your horseman's representative. Perhaps management can help too. I am not suggesting anyone get a welfare check, just a little help.