Betting still open after race started,
Here is the way it works at most racetracks. One of the Associate judges , in the judges stand , has the responsibility to "shut the windows and close off the betting activity. This shuts off the tote and supposedly only accepts wagers already in transmission from other locations. Years ago , the latter transaction did not exist
35 years ago at the old Foxboro, on a winter night, there was a new Mass State Steward in the judges stand , on his first night on the job. The Presiding Judge explained his responsibilities. One of these was to shut down wagering when the PJ gave him the signal/word .
It got fairly warm in the officials stand , so one of the officials opened the glass windows 4 or 5 inches to cool off the booth.
The starting gate was in motion , and as the announcer said "they are off".......The PJ said "Close the Windows"..
The new State Steward walked 10 feet away and closed the glass window that had been opened earlier. The PJ noticed money still rolling thru the tote board.......and suddenly realized what had happened.........
.and again told the State Steward......but this time told him "close the mutuel windows"
No changes were made to betting