The jackass kid in cheezeland. The little SHIT PROUD BOY. DRAFT DODGER loves this little SHIT. The little SHIT there to protect and administer FIRST AID. Of course when he pummels 4 shots into first victim,FIRST AID is OUT. Then the little fuck proceeds on to KILL another and paralyze another. And then walks away. Thanks for the FIRST AID,you little FUC. DRAFT DODGER loves the little SHIT. HE me MAN.
Proceed to GEORGIA. A idiot REDNECK shotguns to death a jogger. Of course the jogger is loaded carryin weapons. TRUMP loves this. Protect our LAND and FREEDOM.
THIS JAGOFF former PRESIDENT TRUMP needs to be put on TRIAL ,convicted , and put to DEATH in GAS CHAMBER. ADD also his DRUG addicted son JR. And make it public. The NATION would love to watch these 2 a-wipes beggin.