FUCKIN with TAWAIN. Flyin over Territorial AIR SPACE,Shootin rockets over Territorial AIR SPACE,sendin warships into territorial waters,VIOLATIN all TERMS. LOOKIN for trouble and think they intimadating and gettin their way. Practicing blockade.
(1) JOHN FRANK ARMY members these shits in VIET. Supplyin the NVR and CONG especially thru the LAOS and CAMBODIA trail. The chinnese fucs are lookin for it. The only thin they good for is inventin LO-MEIN.
(2) UNC will never let TAWAIN go down. Neither will JAPAN. FUC RUSSIA who killed most me ancestors and FUC CHINA. That war ended 1945. And if it was not for USA and the STUPITY of JAPAN,CHINA would now be part of JAPLAND.
(3) One last thin. VIET. John FRANK ARMY still disgusted by how the SOUTH VIET royallity escaped with the National treasury and their offspring live in VEGAS and play poker. I lived there some years back and went back on occasion. Got no reason to go back,but I'D CLOCK them SCUM MOTHERS.