Author Topic: What Does Some of the Indicted Horse People Have in Common with Trump?  (Read 4522 times)

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They both have been raided by the FBI!   73cv.2

If you can't see that this guy is an outright criminal, you may be beyond hope due to right wing brainwashing.  The walls are closing in on all four sides, so it's just a matter of time.  Which arrest will come first: S.D. of NY, Georgia election tampering, January 6th Commission or illegal handling of classified documents.

Just to get another take on all this, I watched some Fox news last night.  I caught the last few minutes of Hannity and the first few minutes of Ingraham.  They incorporate the lowest common denominator of language by using all of the buzzwords and expressions that get the sycophants riled up!  All Ingraham does is try to poke fun of every situation instead of doing an even modest discussion of the who, what and why this happened.  What a waste of airtime. 



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Did you know, and this is true, that in the British language, “ making a trump” means farting? No wonder Old Orange Hair has a perpetually mean expression on his face.


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Hope he rots in jail he is so hard done by he never does nothing wrong the rest of the world is all wrong he is the only one who knows any thing is day is coming.


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Council: TRUMP a big time DRAFT DODGIN CROOK. Sure with his lawler team he be able to put SHIT off until he dead.
             LIKE the way he again spun twisted LIES. As PRESIDENT The DRAFT DODGIN FUC claimed. Anyone that INNOCENT do not take the 5TH.
             Then the crazed DRAFT DODGIN FUC dooooouues it 2 days ago and proclaims it perfectily fine to do. And his FUCKED up followers believe everythin this MANICAL
             CRAZY SIC FUC says. I mean if you ever wished for WORLD leaders to DIE since the beginnin of TIME, CRAZY FUC TRUMP would top the list.


  • Stakes Horse
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  • vienerschnitzel
They both have been raided by the FBI!   73cv.2

If you can't see that this guy is an outright criminal, you may be beyond hope due to right wing brainwashing.  The walls are closing in on all four sides, so it's just a matter of time.  Which arrest will come first: S.D. of NY, Georgia election tampering, January 6th Commission or illegal handling of classified documents.

Just to get another take on all this, I watched some Fox news last night.  I caught the last few minutes of Hannity and the first few minutes of Ingraham.  They incorporate the lowest common denominator of language by using all of the buzzwords and expressions that get the sycophants riled up!  All Ingraham does is try to poke fun of every situation instead of doing an even modest discussion of the who, what and why this happened.  What a waste of airtime. 

call the whole game, Boys.  Trump is no choir boy  -  BUT, a whole lotta fools let their hate bubble up and caused 'em to vote for an incompetent and unquestionably the worst Prez of all time  =  Biden


  • Stakes Horse
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  • vienerschnitzel
Council: TRUMP a big time DRAFT DODGIN CROOK. Sure with his lawler team he be able to put SHIT off until he dead.
             LIKE the way he again spun twisted LIES. As PRESIDENT The DRAFT DODGIN FUC claimed. Anyone that INNOCENT do not take the 5TH.
             Then the crazed DRAFT DODGIN FUC dooooouues it 2 days ago and proclaims it perfectily fine to do. And his FUCKED up followers believe everythin this MANICAL
             CRAZY SIC FUC says. I mean if you ever wished for WORLD leaders to DIE since the beginnin of TIME, CRAZY FUC TRUMP would top the list.

Wished for a leader to die  -  SERIOUSLY !  that is just over the top blathering.  since the beginning of time?  C'mon, Frank - were you absent every day the class learned world history - of all time ???  Frank * have you's ever heard of HITLER ?  - GENGHIS KHAN ?  - MOOSALINI ?  - STALIN ?  - LENIN ?  - HIROHITO ?  - CHIANG KAI CHEK ?  - MAO TSAI TUNG ?  - EVERY CAESAR of ANCIENT ROME ?

Sister Mary Moustache would be so disappointed in her little Johnny-Boy to make such a silly remark


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Hope he rots in jail he is so hard done by he never does nothing wrong the rest of the world is all wrong he is the only one who knows any thing is day is coming.




shout out

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