PEOPPPLLLESSS with MOOOLA can get away with practically anythin. ADD too that PEOOOPLES with MOOOLA also think they entitled to any chick they prefer. I gets the chicks STUPID hookin up with BALD HEAD, BUT BALD BOY responsible for his actions when he assults a previous. YEAH the RICH FUC should be held responsible. He wants to play because he got MONEY than some type of responsibility JAIL TIME should and FELONY charge should accomadate it. Not to mention a SUSPENSION for a year minimum from trainin. But CHAD BOY ain't no JUICER. He lucky NAVARRO keeps his mouth shut. Seems more like a MOP syndication. Do NEW YORK MOP still employ charecters from the past like MAD DOG,JOE SULLIVAN. I hope JOHN FRANK ARMY answered ye question,PUKE.