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Thats enough twice today. SHOVE IT YOU ASS. Hope that gets thru.
I CAN"T SEE. I stated this before. When me in SERVICE as a DRAFTEE, I'ss typed one finger and always looked at keyboard. The FUC instrutor say's to me. Type with both hands without lookin..Still type on keyboard today with 1 fingereooo.Should have paid attention to the fuc years ago. Maybe I could speed type now. Or maybe LEFTIES have trouble doin so. Lefty pitchers seem to do very well in MAJORS. To bad I can't throw ever 98+.
GOPHER: When do you find time to post. Should't you be mowin your lawn,rakin leaves and then burnin them and set your hut on fire. GOLFBALL played BASEBALL in minor LEAQUES. Thank god you did somethin in yooouuuse miserable existance. And I'ss trustin that yooose actually made a factual statement. Your poor arm must ache from pluckin apples off your johhny appleseed. YES I played LITTLE LEAQUE. Me last year me team was 2-19. I pitched both winnin games. Made the ALL STAR team because at least one person had to be represented from each team. Went to BABE RUTH leaque. Had a tough coach. I was strickly a LEFT FIELD starter. This guy had the most brutal pre-season schedule. A third of way thru me last season a group of us went to RIVERVIEW. This guy was a dictator. Wanted everyone to be at park a hour before every game. I gots there 20 minutes before. I'm lacin up me spikes and he says to me. Why you doin that. YOU BENCHED. I say's STICK IT UP YOUR ASS. Trade me to the WINGS. He goes YOU AIN'T worth a broken bat. Gets call the next day from manager. YOU a WING. They had not won a game. We ended up 2-17. 2 games we WON were against my former team. Both games I shined playin left. Made some outstandin catches. Made me former coach fume. After the second game I brought a broken bat with me. I went. HERE YOU GO FUC and flipped it at him. Went on and played AMERICAN LEGION. After facin GARY PETERS who went on to CHICAGO WHITE SOX fame and strikin out 3 times,I decided fast pitch ain't me game. Started playin 16 inch slow,no gloves and played for 22 years. Top NOTCH non-stop from beginnin of MAY till end of SEPT. A tourny every weekend and 2 different leaques MON-THURS. TEE BALL. Glad when you younger you actually participated in sumthin.
I CAN"T SEE. I stated this before. When me in SERVICE as a DRAFTEE,I went thru 3 MOS'S. That rare for a 2 year guy. So me first was ARMY GENERAL CLERK SCHOOL. Ya had different classes you needs to attend. One bein typewritin class. So I'ss typed one finger and always looked at keyboard. The FUC instrutor say's to me. Type with both hands without lookin. I say's I can't no way.So the fuc every class thereafter has me stand at back of room for 50 minutes holdin this 500lb typewriter. YEP: That will teach me.Still type on keyboard today with 1 fingereooo.Should have paid attention to the fuc years ago. Maybe I could speed type now. Or maybe LEFTIES have trouble doin so. Lefty pitchers seem to do very well in MAJORS. To bad I can't throw ever 98+.
Lil' Crank Frankthe adventure that's been my life would fascinate you. AND, unlike your fantasy fairy tales - I not only played minor league baseball, but a whole lot more ... So, Lil' frank - keep riding the make-believe train - obscured by the intentional misspellings and fractured grammar.