Fuguzzi my friend,
I know you will like this because you are such a fan of Wisc fair racing.
Where was Branch Dan Prince first owned, where was he bred and raised, and where did he make his first starts?
That's right, that hot bed of racing Wisconsin.
Clarence Buss owned several dairy and beef farms near Belmont, WI. (WI's first capital).
He named his operation Branch Farms.
His show cattle and horses all had Branch in their names.
His first standardbred horse he named Branch Guy Prince.
Branch Guy Prince won a lot of races at the mid-west fairs and Chicago.
The same time I as a teenager was going to these same mid-west fairs.
In the spring Clarence would turn Branch Guy Prince out with several mares.
Branch Dan Prince was a result of some of that pasture breeding.
From Green county WI. to the green money of RR/YR.