(1) MIKE DINI.TRAINER. He brought a group of 12 with him to outside APRON BAR. THat's BOLD and nice to have backup. And we went at it. I was accussing him of JUICIN on BTW. His statistics had risen dramatically. So he and entourage confront me. OWNERS,FRIENDS,GROOM and the GROOMS obnoxious wife. I got backed up by STEVE,DOMINICK'S long haul grocery driver. DINI goin: WHAT you know about trainin horses:. JOHN FRANK ARMY say's not a FUCKIN thin,But I knows BETTIN. And I'M being screamed at by by his entourage. Especially RUBIN his groom's wife gettin in me face. NOW a big crowd formin. The yellin back and forth attracks SECURITY. I knows them and they knows MIKE. It was a 15 minute altercation that was finnaly settled down. Got nothin against MIKE these days,as he's moved on to other tracks and doin quite well. But his main owner at time ,who was there was JOHHNY ORICHIO. Big time CROOK who STOLE as administrator for DETROIT TEAMSTERS UNION and embezziled 168 million thinkin it would never be missed ,because he oversaw a 7 billion. That at time was MIKE'S major owner. TOO BEE CONTINUED.....