So FOX NEWS runs their ownPOLLS every FUCKIN DAY. TRUMP ahead in everythin. Every FUCKIN DAY. TRUMP WINS. YEAH with every FUCKIN HILLBILLY in USA. DUMP FUCS that could not tell a dial on wristwatch and know what time of day it is. One reson why FOX and FRIENDS does this SHIT. Set your whatever and record us startin at %AM. You not want to miss a thin. SAME SHIT they spill at 6AM. They losin ratins. WHT A FUCKIN JOKE. AND LAWERANCE and YOU KILL ME,REALLY need PSYCHEOTRIC HELP. And LAWERANCE loves the FACK that only 20% blacks in LOVE with the PYCHO,TRUMP. Hey LAWERENCE you TRUE BLUE with your RACE.