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Buffalo Raceway has tried the A-B-C-D classification system on and off for the past two or three years. It hasn't seemed to hurt attendance, which remains steady at about 12 people per race night.
To calculate a TrackMaster Horse Rating, the following algorithm is used:First, gather all of the horse's past performaces with speed ratings within two years of its last race of any kindSpeed ratings are available in a variety of TrackMaster products:("10-Line Past Performances") TrackMaster Past Performances("12-Line Platinum Past Performances") TrackMaster Platinum Past Performances("Lifetime Past Performances") TrackMaster Lifetime Past PerformancesNext, eliminate races with any kind of break, broken equipment, interference, inside pylons, etcOf the remaining races, consider no more than the 8 most recent speed ratings and separate into two categories...("Recent Ratings") speed ratings within 150 days of its last race("Past Ratings") speed ratings that are >150 days and <= 2 years since its last raceBASE CASE: When there are at least 4 "Recent Ratings", compute an average as follows:("Recent Ratings")if 7 or 8, average the highest 4if 5 or 6, average the highest 3if just 4, average the highest 2
The TrackMaster really sucks the big one. Any Race Secretary that uses it are lazy and unqualified to due their job. I've seen horses win and take their lifetime mark and seen their TrackMaster rating number go down. While not a fan of the ABC system, it still is a much superior and fairer system than TrackMaster. And just remember, that TrackMaster is also incorporated to calculate the Morning Line and everyone knows how bad and inaccurate those morning lines tend to be. It's time to eliminate this dumb rating system once an for all and make Race Secretaries do the job they are paid to do.