Just remarkin about ADMIN'S post. And believe me, He or she ain't referin to I.
JOHN FRANK ARMY been postin at various sites for over 35 years. Not once has he everdone: A COMPLAIN to MODERATOR at any site about other posters. Know in those years,posters have no doubt done that to JOHN FRANK ARMY,I would guess 50,000 times. ESPECIALLY, ESPN,PUBLIC HANDICAPPER, and BARN TO WIRE.
Here meeese point. Maybe because me name has been out there for years. BUT over the years and I mean years,SISSY'S with no names just like to complain constantly.
FOR GOD'S sake people please have some balls. Maybe moderators,should have a division that shows you weakless spine SHITS that constantly complain so others can see who you is,even if it your fake screen name. Everyone would like to see your #'S on complaining.