Went for me right eyeball today. EYE YAIIE EYE. Told before surgery,that the trauma caused by me right eyeball be very serious. Besides almost losin it by schrapnel ,I also had done another thin. Drank a lot one day. Took me night time prescribed meds. Pretty fucked up. Layin in bed and had to get up and hit LATRINE. Stumbled up and made can. On meeesses return trip ,passed out and work up on carpet. Got up and realized I tore the whole upper right eyelid almost off. Quite a blood mess. Called 911 and taken to EMERGENCY,where they sewed the fuckin thin back togeather. ME DR. say's: THERE a good chance with your eye damage, we goin lose here and some shit is gonna slide behind yooose eyeball. Not too scare you but this just the facs. JOHN FRANK ARMY tells her. What that mean. She goes,if that happen,You will have to come back in 10 days and your right eye will be totally blind in that period. SURGERY OVER. I spends 4 hours in recovery,so's I can see me DR> and not have to come back next day.
SHE GREAT. She goes JOHN, You had the worst eyeball that all surgeons are challenged with. Me not a EYE DR,and tryin to understand as she explainin. We almost lost this floatin thin as it all over place. If that happen, you be doomed. WE saved it. But,your eye still not in great shape. Got to go back and have laser surgery on it in 2 months. NO guarrentees. I said to her. DOC you did a great job on me left. I CANN SEE. 20-20 vision. If I needs to wear a pirate patch on me right,I'M OK with it. I'ss got to go 3 times in next 2 months before another surgery. She will evaluate. If worsre case scenario: One eyeball is as good as one. And if the worst consequences should happen . And I'ss lose sight in both. YOU better watch out,you better not cry. when JOHN FRANK ARMY releases his MEAN seein eye GERMAN SHEPARD dog on ya.