I don't post Tioga as the handles are so low,
Been a fun track to play, all I would play is ffor $2. Downside exception and it is a big one. Judges dont explain dqs nor do they the dq replays.
Np passing lane a plus ( except when you get buried) but rail usually opes or first over fades in time.
Final 3 races
Race 8 7 win box 17 p3 17/25/5
Race 9 2 win box 25 dd 25/5
Race 10 5 win
Slim pickings for winter betting. Rosecoft Never,,,,Yonkers Never... Northfield Never
Meadows ok.....Other eastern PA tracks have the juicers, but racing is not fixed
May experiment with Dayton harness esspeciqally with purple jesus moves to Ohio