SHITBRAIN TALKIN. Speakin again from written script. Therehe goes. I'D be DEAD had me angels not had me turn right. Has this fuc ever taken a DRIVER'S license road test.
325,000 children are now in SEX SLAVE tradin. Can we get reliable statistics on this INSANE NUTS proclamations.
HARRIS is flyin everyone from PRISONS, MENTAL INSTITUTIONS,INSANE ASSYLUMS. That what HARRIS is DOIN. Towns have been destroyed and the USA has been DESROYED. IMMEGRANTS are all unlawful and have no business in USA. AURORA,COLORADO, SPRINGFIELD ,OHIO, the TOWNS are now RUINED. Got to like how he exagerates the import. Goes 32,000 came in to SPINGFIELD,when it actually 12,000.
Illegals takin over the USA.
There the FUC goes again. HARRIS never worked at MC'DONALDS. What the FUC is with this INSANE FUC.
Now he talkin about last debate. Sayin he was screwed by moderators. I thought he claimed he WON, CONVINCLY.
HERE THE NUT talks about the CONGO again. SAME insane SHIT. Me guess he afraid that anyone from CONGO votin,will turn the tide against this COWARD FUC.
Too be continued.....