Author Topic: CRIME FAMILY  (Read 3725 times)

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« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2024, 05:00:18 PM »
Believe me, I get it, but you still have no proof regarding the trainers who have never been caught! Suspicion doesn't equal guilt except for people like you who thinks everyone cheats.
As a gambler when watching a horse sitting 2 hole and finishing a poor fourth with no pace and then a claim shows up and against the same field he wins at a short price and looks like he is 2 seconds better than the dame field that he was a fade is proof enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,We all know lance armstrong was on juice and he almost always tested clean just like BARRY BONDS,,,,,,,,


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« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2024, 05:10:42 PM »
I've been betting the horses forever and I've had plenty of horses who had perfect trips and came up empty, so I know it happens. There are alot more bad trainers than good trainers, so it could be because the new trainer is better. Alot of horses do improve when they change stables, some get worse. There's cheating going on in every sport, some people get caught, some don't.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 05:15:32 PM by gh2009 »

Off the rocker

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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2024, 05:25:09 PM »
The indictment sure did do a lot. He’s currently in P.E.I. bidding on yearlings at the sale….


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« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2024, 05:25:30 PM »
Believe me, I get it, but you still have no proof regarding the trainers who have never been caught! Suspicion doesn't equal guilt except for people like you who thinks everyone cheats.

Proof? Are you kidding me. Proof. gtfoh.

Let me guess you are either a trainer or friend of a trainer and believe he doesn't cheat. Being naive is no excuse. Wish it wasn't true but the very very high majority of winning stables cheat. At some level. Let me guess you thought Navarro and Surick were clean too.


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« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2024, 05:36:47 PM »
I don't know or am friends with any trainers or drivers and am not naive either. I know there's cheating going on but not by as many trainers as some people on here imply. Speaking of Nick Surick, he raced horses at Dover Downs for a few years from around 2010-2012, was even leading trainer one year. I actually met him there in person once and could tell right away he was a scumbag.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 05:46:16 PM by gh2009 »

ferdinand the bull

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« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2024, 06:33:57 PM »
I don't know or am friends with any trainers or drivers and am not naive either. I know there's cheating going on but not by as many trainers as some people on here imply. Speaking of Nick Surick, he raced horses at Dover Downs for a few years from around 2010-2012, was even leading trainer one year. I actually met him there in person once and could tell right away he was a scumbag.
Surick was greaser then a McDonald's burger

Grandstand Handicapper

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« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2024, 10:34:18 PM »
I guess it is the same in the WWE as most guys using roids test clean and i need proof that these giants are using drugs,,,,,,,

Everybody knows the WWE guys are using steroids even though there's no proof. As far as horse trainers, innocent until proven guilty. If OJ was found not guilty of murder, anyone can be found not guilty. Not guilty doesn't mean you're innocent just that you had a good lawyer and a bad prosecutor and dumb jury.

Actually, in the WWE----which by the way is not considered a sport and is not governed by any State/Federal regulatory body or agency----it is not that their "talent" (which are statutory employees, more similar to an independent contractor than an employee) use steroids and test clean. It's that the company's "health and wellness" policy regarding their "talent" says that if you test positive for steroids, and it can only be certain steroids, you must have a prescription, from a legitimate doctor, and it must be for "valid medical reasons" (like for an injury, recovery from an injury, etc.). There are also other requirements. If you meet the requirements, then you are OK and it is not considered as failing a drug test or coming up positive for steroids. So, if their "talent" are in compliance----they are not doing anything wrong. They are not testing positive for steroids, because the test is not considered "a positive" if they satisfy the requirements and they are not in violation of the company's policy. Regardless, in this case, the truth is not absolute, pure, clean, etc.

Grandstand Handicapper

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« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2024, 10:44:14 PM »
Is it fair to conclude the corruption does run deep through administration and beyond? Cassie and her puppets , Ford and his crew as well as the notorious Fishman lists go about status quo

I don't understand what you are saying. I'd like to actually see what and where the corruption is. What about Casie? That there was some sort of conspiracy where some regulatory agency or the like  told her to "retire" and to stop racing horses, and they would let her off and not go after her? I've heard things like that. I don't believe it. Or with Brett Pelling-----they told him to retire, go home to Australia for 10 years, we'll let you go, not press charges, and then you can come back and start again? I've heard that too. I've also heard the same thing about Jimmy Takter----retire, officially give up the stable, and we'll leave you alone. Mark Ford, you are going to have to tell me about that one.

The Fishman list, no, I don't think it's status quo at all. I see a lot has changed. Not enough, but I also don't think it's over yet. I see change, and while it hasn't been headline news in a while, I don't see Howard Taylor racing at the Meadowlands. I don't see the lawsuit moving forward. There were other owners on that list, and Gural spoke to many of them. He picked Taylor. There were reasons why. I don't think the other owners on that list were doing what Taylor was doing. Regardless, just because there are no indictments or charges being filed right now, to me, doesn't mean it's over.

ferdinand the bull

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« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2024, 02:32:46 AM »
I don't understand what you are saying. I'd like to actually see what and where the corruption is. What about Casie? That there was some sort of conspiracy where some regulatory agency or the like  told her to "retire" and to stop racing horses, and they would let her off and not go after her? I've heard things like that. I don't believe it. Or with Brett Pelling-----they told him to retire, go home to Australia for 10 years, we'll let you go, not press charges, and then you can come back and start again? I've heard that too. I've also heard the same thing about Jimmy Takter----retire, officially give up the stable, and we'll leave you alone. Mark Ford, you are going to have to tell me about that one.

The Fishman list, no, I don't think it's status quo at all. I see a lot has changed. Not enough, but I also don't think it's over yet. I see change, and while it hasn't been headline news in a while, I don't see Howard Taylor racing at the Meadowlands. I don't see the lawsuit moving forward. There were other owners on that list, and Gural spoke to many of them. He picked Taylor. There were reasons why. I don't think the other owners on that list were doing what Taylor was doing. Regardless, just because there are no indictments or charges being filed right now, to me, doesn't mean it's over.
I do believe Cassie was offered or made herself a deal in exchange for evidence, she was just in too deep with Navarro and Surick not to have a little blood on her hands. Takter was allegedly given the ultimatum to retire as well. We can agree to disagree on these.
As for your second paragraph about Taylor and there being more to come, I'd agree with all of that. Gural had to target Taylor first in my opinion, partially because of his own ties to trainers and other owners but if he starts at Taylor then he's cut him off at the pass of defending others without defending himself first


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« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2024, 05:33:49 AM »
i would be in shock if any of those three had those stories made up as they make sense,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plus i know one is for sure true,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,When the big time owners are part of the USTA OR the board of directors at woodbine things well get covered up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AROUND 35 years ago a TB called norcliffe won the biggest 2 year old race in Canada and 3 inquiry s were placed against him plus a stewards inquiry came in and guys were giving 4-1 on that one and i saw one taker and he kept saying no way they are going to throw bud bakers horse out as he was the head of the board of directors and the longest inquiry till today ended with an official sign and many fans went crazy and for a long time i heard the word corrupt from everyone who seen it and it was sick and i might have taken 100-1 on that inquiry but as a throw away as i do with high priced super bombs that present value to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Today you here people talk insanity like the GOV CONTROLS THE WEATHER or CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT REAL but when money is involved there will be 100 percent corruption and i remember hearing about frog juice and other stuff like it and saying to myself i doubt its true but when the story stayed strong with people in good standing i started to know there was reality to the story,,,,,,,,,,,Every high end gambler i speak to and many ex owners say the drug element in the game is far worse than most people think and a top 100 old timer told me around 25 years ago that he fired a groom because he had no clue and always took short cuts and he was the highest percentage winning trainer at maywood and Balmoral that year,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If you watch any show about coruption in vegas the head guy in the gaming commision says when interviewed that no form of gaming including slots people will invent gadgets or a system to beat the casino and its well known that the gangsters of the past fixed many races and i do not believe today it is even close to as bad as back then and i do not know of one top gambler in the sport that does not believe tote is honest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i am friends with many ex horsemen and some talk about their scores at the windows even though the windows got it all at the end but many tell me they never watch a race if not betting and i believe that there is more of a chance that ELVIS IS ALIVE than all 3 of those stories being false,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Go to any OTB ANYWHERE OR ANY RACETRACK and sound is turned down with everybody is to old to root any many are betting with hoping they survive the month and today i was told that way more than half the people entering OTB OR RACE TRACKS DO NOT BUY PROGRAMS AND JUST BET ODDS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iN THE LATE 80s BLUE BONNETS was doing a million every night and then a new group of RICHARD MOREAU AND colin johnston and leading driver RICK ZERON slowly emptied the stands and eventually they closed shop with the CASINO not having to give up slot money and when slot money runs its coarse trainers and vets wont drop their rates enough to keep owners in the game,,,,,,,,,,,,At one time every moment of my day was horse racing and i regret helping a product that does not respect its fans and today i am not healthy enough to take the stress of being cheated,,,,,,,,


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