Weeese 25 days from INAGURATION day.
Let us all see.
At noon: January 20th, DRAFT DODGIN FAT SLOP at all his RALLY'S: If the HOSTAGES in GAZA are not released "I the fat FUC LIAR will release the most horrible of weapons on GAZA. That wonderful. One wonders what SHIT that will be. Hope it BIOLOGICAL and CHEMICAL. And that for sure won't kill captives. But you SHITS at his RALLY'S screamin,DRAFT DODGER will bring them all home the 20th. Sure he will. Maybe he can exchange you FUC believable MORONS in exchange. Who of you toothless FUCKS,gonna volunteer.
Lets go to this. The FAT BLIMP at all his rally's goin: The WAR in UKRAIN will be over January 21. And again you uneducated fucs screamin at his rally's. Thank's DRAFT DODGIN FUC. WAR will end with you in charge. And you FUCKS believed him . And he said: Over,no more conflict: The war be over January 21'st.
And know the FAT FUC backin away from everythin. He just statin: I'M goin drill and we will have more OIL and NATURAL GAS than anyone in WORLD. Even OIL companies do not like that proclamation. They's profits SINK. Ya that right> FAT SLOP think He gonna command the WORLD by more drillin. There is a thin here. Companies might not want to drill more. Don't bother the SHITHEAD who only understands 6th grade ECONOMICS.
So,all you LOVERS of SHITBRAIN,you can bash me JANUARY when your FUCKIN LOVER,fulfills his promises.