Author Topic: Penalties in Horse Racing.  (Read 7495 times)

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Penalties in Horse Racing.
« on: April 23, 2018, 11:03:13 AM »
Penalties in horse racing are so wrong it makes me want to throw up.

So much wrong but the main one is the amount of money they fine.

If they fine Ron Burke 5000$-doesnt affect him at all.

If they fine a small trainer for exactly the same thing-its a huge hit.

Then-William Carter -gets fined 24,000$ for forging some health papers--while Rene gets 5000$ for using a Class 1 Narcotic.

24,000 to Carter-and he has to sell assets(like his horses) to pay a fine-while Rene could pay this out of his pocket without blinking an eye.

Also days mean diddly squat to some people-simply because they will just get beards.

In the legal system-bail is set by the Judges and its linked to the defendants means and his crimes.

In harness-its not what you did--its who you are and who you know.

Its very wrong and needs to change pronto.IMHO


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2018, 02:42:49 PM »


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2018, 02:47:24 PM »
You ommited when the penalties aren’t even enforced.


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2018, 11:31:12 AM »
You ommited when the penalties aren’t even enforced.

True--herein lies the problem.

When I went to school the classes I was in-- rules were strictly enforced and anyone out of line-punished.

Class turned out v.well.

In racing-rules are not enforced for everyone-so of course what do you expect?--there will be delinquents and abusers of the system.


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2018, 03:44:20 PM »
True--herein lies the problem.

When I went to school the classes I was in-- rules were strictly enforced and anyone out of line-punished.

Class turned out v.well.

In racing-rules are not enforced for everyone-so of course what do you expect?--there will be delinquents and abusers of the system.

The classes of today are totally different. Rules do not apply. Kids do just about anything they want and seldom is anything done. Including telling the teacher to fuck off. It's a whole new world. People over 45 would be amazed at just what ACTUALLY goes on in schools today. AND appalled.

Rabbi Of Racing

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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2018, 03:46:07 PM »
The classes of today are totally different. Rules do not apply. Kids do just about anything they want and seldom is anything done. Including telling the teacher to fuck off. It's a whole new world. People over 45 would be amazed at just what ACTUALLY goes on in schools today. AND appalled.
100% correct


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2018, 07:58:59 AM »
The classes of today are totally different. Rules do not apply. Kids do just about anything they want and seldom is anything done. Including telling the teacher to fuck off. It's a whole new world. People over 45 would be amazed at just what ACTUALLY goes on in schools today. AND appalled.

 :o   I believe this is more to do with kids having no respect. Respect is taught at home. If kids act like this at school IMHO its the parents fault-not the teachers.  If the teacher informed my parents I was a disrespectful ahole -I would have faced hells fury.

So racing must be breeding a bunch of degenerates who start off cheating-having not had the right foundation-then the administrators/judges dont do anything about it either.

someone has to step up.


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2018, 09:17:16 AM »
:o   I believe this is more to do with kids having no respect. Respect is taught at home. If kids act like this at school IMHO its the parents fault-not the teachers.  If the teacher informed my parents I was a disrespectful ahole -I would have faced hells fury.

So racing must be breeding a bunch of degenerates who start off cheating-having not had the right foundation-then the administrators/judges dont do anything about it either.

someone has to step up.

Teachers are NOT allowed to tell the parents that. And YES, I can't even think of what my parents would do to me IF they got that call. But alas, that is NOT happening today.


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2018, 01:36:28 PM »
Has there ever been a generation that didn’t decry the progress being made by the next for its so-called lax discipline, loose morals, values and general disrespect? Such is the predictability of human kind, I suppose. But progress is indeed made with every succeeding  generation and inevitable, as it rightly should be. And deny it though you might. Relax, adapt and go with it. Fighting it is as futile as it has always been.

It's almost as if you make it sound that if time would only stand still, and life remained harsh and regressive for disenfranchised groups like children with the advent of child labor laws; blacks with emancipation; and women's suffrage it would make you happier and society a better place. But would it really?


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Re: Penalties in Horse Racing.
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2018, 01:49:44 PM »
Children and teens today learn that there are NO repercussions to things they do. So they keep pushing until they find the limit. And it appears there is NO limit. THEN society wonders how that kid "went wrong". It MUST be the parents fault. So they say. But they ALSO say that children must not be punished. I would really hate to be a new parent today.


shout out

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