Why is it that when a smaller barn guy like porkchop gets a +, everyone "especially other horsemen" say fuck that guy, he did it! When a big barn like Burke get one though it`s "ohhh, he would never do it". You are all part of the problem! You stand behind the guys who are fucking you the most and can`t wait to kick the little guy when he`s down. It was the same for me. Everyone in that game is your buddy to your face but they all talk shit about you when you`re down. Truthfully, the problem with racing and what has led to it not surviving on it`s own is that the whole business from top to bottom is loaded with two-faced assholes who are all out for themselves. I don`t know if porkchop did or didn`t give that shit but why is it in most of your minds impossible that his positive had mitigating circumstances but on the other hand a guy like Allard or Burke get the fellow horsemen and even worse, the commission`s support? Wake the fuck up people!