JOHN FRANK ARMY has a couplethins to say here.
(1) WRENCH: Are you talkin: ICE SAILIN. JOHN FRANK ARMY was a ICE SAILOIR many moons ago. LAKE COMO,WISCONSIN. One me some trophies. The lake itself was shallow and in a depression from surrondin land. Never snowed over and was constant ice. Every weekend had ICE SAILIN races. Never had me own boat was put on by others that had their's. JOHN FRANK ARMY was a natural. Maybe I should have been NAVY. But ICE is different. Never sailed on the open lakes or seas. But NAVIGATIN the sail and wind on ice was me SPECIALITY. YOU something,JOHN FRANK ARMY.
(2) BLATZ BEER. JOHN FRANK ARMY has e collection. EVerythin about BLATZ. Me DAD an uncles drank this crap non-stop. Back in day me cousin and I would drink cheap after work. Heavy cardboard container loaded with 24 bottles for $5.00. If you returned the box and empty bottles you got a $2.00 refund. 24 bottles of beer on the wall for $3.00. If one got by drinkin the first 2,the rest tasted WONDERFUL. We would drink them all and then on to again the next day.
(3) JOHN FRANK ARMY has the biggest BLATZE paraphennnillla collection of all time,amonst other collectibles.
(4) But member one thin. At times in service, JOHN FRANK ARMY could drink anything. Most times warm. I could never do that again. Has to be,ICE COLD,today.