Back in the early 80s, we went down to race at Rosecroft one winter. At the opening night pre race meeting with drivers and trainers...the judge...think his name was Chip ....shared some of his thoughts
One was similar to what I read above. He said he would be tough on drivers who tried to drive into a hole that wasn't there, and on drivers who opened up holes for a parked driver. BUT, he said he would be more lenient on drivers who ,late in the race tried to drive out of a hole, where there was questionable clearance in order to try and win a race.
Announcer Robin Burns was at the meeting , and the next night his pre race interview was with Wayne TRUITT. He asked Wayne if the judges comments would affect him when he left with a horse from the 7 or 8 spot on the gate. Wayne quickly answered " only if I do NOT have any relatives who are inside me on the gate. There we're 4 Truits racing then at Rosecroft. Robin and others laughed. Soon after the interview....the phone rang in the paddock, Wayne was paged by Chip , the judge, who did not find his comment funny,