Here is the updated information about Jug Week as published on the Delaware County Fair Facebook Page. At least they plan to race:
In accordance with Governor Mike DeWine’s latest directive, the Delaware (OH) Grand Circuit harness racing meet, including the 75th Little Brown Jug (September 24), will be conducted without spectators. The Delaware County Fair will conduct only a Junior Fair this year.
“It is a disappointing day for us. We have been working diligently with the Delaware County Health Department and we felt we could put on a safe event on a smaller scale,” said Tom Wright, director of racing and president of the Delaware County Agricultural Society Board. “We respect the directive and will do our part to make sure we have a safe event for all.”
The Little Brown Jug typically draws upwards of 40,000 spectators from across North America. Fans will be able to watch and wager on the 2020 Grand Circuit Meet (September 20 – 24) and the Little Brown Jug through its simulcast network. The harness racing will be conducted in accordance with the protocols of the “Safe Return to Racing” as established by the Ohio State Racing Commission.
The Delaware County Fair will hold a virtual, online sale for the 2020 Junior Fair. The Junior Fair Sale Committee is still finalizing details and will announce more information as it becomes available.
Further information regarding previously purchased tickets will be mailed in the near future. Supporters of the Little Brown Jug and the Delaware County Fair are urged to visit m and DelawareCountyFai for the latest news.