Jeff, you got a lot to learn.
From: Joseph Faraldo <faral@icloud.com>
Date: October 30, 2020 at 6:01:28 PM EDT
To: Robert Williams <robert.williams@gaming.ny.gov>, Ronald Ochrym <Ronald.Ochrym@gaming.ny.gov>, Peter Venaglia <venaglia@svhflaw.com>, JONI YOSWEIN <joni@yny.com>, "Jamie Van. Bramer" <jamie@yny.com>, Jeffrey Denman <jeff@yny.com>, tmctygue@aol.com
Subject: Continued opposition to YR daytime racing
What happens, if Yonkers Raceway is permitted to go to daytime?
Trainers, shippers and grooms will be forced to travel to and from in rush hour traffic
Trainers need to add help at their barns to do the work of those traveling to the racetrack during the day
Increased expenses to owners for the additional pass along of added expenses
Experienced NYS Gaming Commission personnel might have to quit and racing would lose valuable personnel
Union workers would lose jobs unless they have seniority and they would bump those without the same or greater seniority
Simulcasting signal would face more competition during the day than it does at night, including bucking the nation’s premier signal -NYRA Gulfstream
Simulcasting handle will fall
Revenue stream to NYSS would suffer from it percentage of on track and simulcast wagering at the state’s biggest harness economic engine
Drivers would have to choose what track to race at and their opportunity to race afternoon and evenings currently being done will be severely diminished along with their income
MGM’s Northfield,Ohio property and other night signals will benefit, if YR gives up nights that is not in the best interests of NY Racing
I hope you consider these concerns, thanks . Enjoy the weekend and stay safe above all.