Swoodall don’t tell lies now, you got tax problems 100% fact heard it from a very reliable source. Your pals at the otb sing like birds.
Cigar knows the truth.
Guys at otb would come to me for tickets and programs if they audited.
I learned back in the 70's how to keep good records if the IRS ever called you in.
I go called in back in 2001 /2002.
Went in with boxes full of records.
Training bills, vet bills, tax records, losing tickets, programs etc... truck was loaded.
Guy asks us "what's this?"
I said the records you requested.
He starts looking at my old computer printouts from the old DOS computer programs I used.
He says looks good to me.
I'm like what?
He said 9 out of 10 who get audited for this don't have any records muchless a daily record.
Audit was over.
Not sure what they do now.
Computer records are way more sophisticated now and easier to print.