The sack of shit losers in life are the fucking losers and moochers who think they should be protected against competition for the public's gambling dollars.
Without laws forcing casinos to pay welfare to the horsemen there would be no horse racing.
And some racetracks don't give a shit about their customer base whom 90% are over 60.
I am in that group but...I am also one of the youngest in this group.
Without these old guys you would have no racing and no income.
They have been the backbone of horse racing for 50 years!
But you don't give a shit.
I have the Hawthorne, Xpressbet and TVG apps on my phone.
I use my apps to bet while at the otb or track.
But I can tell you the majority of older guys around me don't know how to use their phone to bet.
They don't have apps to get results or watch replays and they don't know how to use the sam machines to get the info either so they still rely on the track video feed and the announcer.
"Hey Woody, can you give me the pk3 and pk4 probables off your phone?"
You know how many times I have been asked that?
I started this thread after listening to Peter Galassi fall all over his tongue trying to give out the payouts after Hawthorne's last race.
The only reason he had a problem is because the screen changed every 3 seconds on him then disappeared after two cycles.
You know...it's the why you still sitting here get the fuck out attitude.
Like you.