May 25, 2022
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge P. Kevin Castel: Defendant is present wit attorney Joseph Corozzo; AUSA Aarah Mortazavi is also present. Defendant waives indictment. The S(7) Information is filed. Court provisionally enters a not guilty plea. Defendant (sworn)changes not guilty plea and pleads guilty to the S(7) Information. Arraignment as to Thomas Guido III (4) Count 1sss held on 5/25/2022. Plea entered by Thomas Guido III (4) Guilty as to Count 1sss., As to Thomas Guido, III. Defendant admits forfeiture allegations in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the S(7) Information. Consent Preliminary Order of Forfeiture in the amount of $61,800.97, filed today. Bail is continued. ( Sentencing set for 9/29/2022 at 11:00 AM before Judge P. Kevin Castel.) (Court Reporter Andrew Walker) (jm)