I remember it differently. I recall how the horsemen begged the state legislators to pass the racino bills. In many states, it was defeated for 10 years or so. In New York, it was defeated for like the 12th year. Yonkers had a deal to sell the property pending and Saratoga was racing for $900 purses, ready to close.
Then, the same year 9/11 happened . In October, 2011, New York was upside down and bleeding revenues profusely. In a special session, the VLT law was passed. That is how close NY came to loosing their harness racing industry. The casino lobby was poised to wait out the racing industry and do without them.
So, at least in NY, harness racing was and is made possible by events having no stake in racetracks and horsemen. It was done to find revenues when we were under attack form terrorist.
From the first VLT funded races in 2003 until and including now, horsemen have done zero to build a self sustaining business. There are many who give little thought. But, at this point, what can be done? I guess you take what you can and do it again. Hold on to that notion that racetracks need you.