Defendin the POS DRAFT DODGER,BAD TOE. This ain't POLITICS FOLKS. This a PRIVELDGED POS that has gotton away with everythin his whole life. I gets the FAT FUC owns golf courses and he golfs everyday supposidly. Yet the FAT FUCK has his driver of cart pull up on green when he has to 6 putt and end up scorin a 167 for 18. And yet FOX goes He NEVER LIES. HAS NEVER LIED. His former BUD COHEN the LIAR. Yet TRUMP pardoned him when leavin office. Along with 2 million other cronies in his administration, the most PARDONS ever by any PRESIDENT. And know the FAT BOY sayin,I never had anythin to to with SHIRLEY and CO did it before 2016 out his $130,000 pocket because he LOVES me so much. DADDY ain't here NO more FAT BOY. Don't worry your DEAREST SON will visit you in JAIL, that is if he not arrested like CHUMLY some years ago for dealin CRACK.