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Cause they can’t get a real job so will take any hand out that comes along
15 plus snap benefits nice score
The warmup gang is a product that relieves the paper trainers from have to sit behind the horse on race night! What happened to the time when the trainer could compensate for a new problem, by making changes to the rigging? If I see a horse warm up funky in the hands of a rent-a-rider,there is little chance that the proper adjustments will be made prior to the race.( Someone who works for the stable on a daily basis gets a pass). The rented riders are nothing more than another option for the trainer to make excuses when the horse under performs.How many times have you heard"New to me, the damn warmup guy never said a word" as an excuse?
Is there a few xtra dollars if the horse finishes 1st or 2nd like the person who paddocks the horse??
My trainer has a sliding scale of bonuses for the groom based on finishing position.
Because I can