May be just a temporary job..??.
Not if you do the job right.
Most Judges get booted for either:
A) Helping with the draw---this should be a crime--rather than just getting fired--but its happened a few times because thats where the money is esp on a half mile track. Draws are done in private including claims--leads to corruption and some Judges appear to be in on it.
B) Having Favorite-trainers or drivers. Its nice to get along with people--but not to the point where you kiss one persons ass and kick another for the same offense.
C) Putting up with drivers shit---some drivers think they are above reproach and dont even bother to go see the Judge when called. Happened with the current fired Judge.
D) Betting or drinking on the Job. Unprofessional and bad for all around.
E) Taking bribes--Done and appears to be still ongoing.