Two different cases this week of trainers signing transfers and the owners questioning later. First one guy was just arrested at Monti for signing a transfer he says the owner gave permission. Has the proof of payment. Now owner says still owed money, calls cops and on go the cuffs. In the real world "he said" means nothing. I suggested pay him the extra, get it in writing and have him drop the charges. Much cheaper than an attorney.
In New Jersey, similarly but with a partner involved who was not aware and the payment never got past the trainer of record. An unlicensed non USTA member signed the transfer. I was made aware of this last Thursday in Cream Ridge by the previous owner who didn't want to make a stink, but the partner is furious. I can confirm this other person was in fact acknowledged as 50% partner and was billed by the trainer accordingly. I obtained a bill to the partner for half the training bill of the horse. Trainer is listed, his address being that which is not his at all and the email address of an unlicensed non USTA member stable. I also have a copy of the forged transfer. Can't make this up.
What are your opinions? In this day and age isn't it just safer to have the owner do the online transfer using Pathway?