Author Topic: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.  (Read 1558 times)

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TRump and his LUNATIC apperance at BLACK journalists in CHICAGO today.
(1) Want to say somethin in comparison first. I moved to a first floor in building. Got a new neighbor who moved in above me. Nice guy,but he loves birds. Nothing against winged creatures as I go every late DECEMBER about a mile from me to watch BALD EAGLES roost in trees for about 3 weeks swoopin down on fish in the FOX RIVER. But he likes feedin the outdoor birds. After a few weeks ,I had to go knock on his door and say: TOO much bird shit on me patio. I goes,can't you just throw the seed in grass and watch them fetch. Birds are always huntin for food in grass. He goes I'll move the feeder to opposite side of deck and I will come and sweep your patio 2 times a week. I agrees. I say's to him: get any BLUE JAYS or CARDINALS feedin. He goes,NO only wild birds. I,didn't say paraqueets. Realized he more than a little mentally slow. In 44 years have never complained about tenents. I could have gone to management and had this STOP and have his deck powerwashed and also me patio,which the charge would have been at his expense. DEcided,If this what the guy enjoys in life,who am I to stop it. TOO be continued.....


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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2024, 04:56:50 PM »
   (1) Delays his apearance for 40 minutes today stayin backstage. Say's it's due to lousy accousticals. MY ASS: He want SECRET SERVICE to check out all creditentals again on all attendin.
   (2) SAY'S HARRIS is relly not a BLACK WOMAN,she really a INDIAN bred. Just liked he attacked NIKEY.
   (3) keeps on sayin: BLACKS could never get a JOB until I was PRESIDENT. I made BLACKS,self-sufficent. I'm the greatest since LINCOLN. HEY,SHITBRAIN. I'M sure you grandpappy and daddy helped LARY DOBY and JACKIE ROBINSOn break color barrier in baseball.
   (4) Say's all BLACK people LOVE me and I LOVE them. That's why I discriminated against them in all proberties I OWN.
   (5) Where's CAMMELLA. I agreed to be here and she suppossied to be here. YA SURE.
   (6) RETARTED BOY says: I WILL take another cognitive test if CAMMELLA will. Ya like your first one. Can you spell CAT. Then 3 minutes later asked: Can you spell the first word you spelled backward. And the the DIM-WITTED FUC goes on to say that CAMMMELLA never graduated LAW SCHOOL and she funked BAR EXAM. That's a good one comin from this UN-EDUCATED FUC who's GRANDPAPPY made sure he got out of GRADE SCHOOL.

SO,JOHN FRANK ARMY has to say this: Me upstaires neighbor has more SMARTS then TRUMP LOVERS. And when it comes to SILVER SPOON,DRAFT DODGIN FUC: A CLAM is more INTEELLIGENT.


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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2024, 06:07:55 PM »
Still a illiterate schmuck? LOL!


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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2024, 07:51:43 PM »
It was a sad day in America when someone who can win the Presidency could say the things he said today. If the Republican Party had any real decency they would run someone else.

Bitter Truth

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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2024, 08:20:34 PM »
Kinda creepy and sad how you speak of yourself in the 3rd tense JFK . I'd relay it to your doctors. ngc3


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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2024, 09:07:48 PM »
BT, he's a schmuck! LOL!


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Re: Could not decide where to post,so JOHN FRANK ARMY decided here.
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2024, 01:48:53 PM »
JOHN FRANK ARMY back. He got his own back.
Pay ATTENTION ROOKIES. JOHN FRANK ARMY always posts in 3rd tense. But you little TWITS,in postin babyhood would never know.
On to another subject:
Yesterday at TRUMP rally in GEORGIAAA, home of MARGIE. Who elected in her distract because SHE hates all BLACKS.
(1) KAMELLA wants to eliminate all COWS in USA. Where he comes up with this CRAZY SHIT is beyound comprehension. I guess wants to assure he wins CHEESEHEAD vote in WISCONSIN. Me guess he approves of TEXAS LONGHORN steers. Most have been russled from MEXICO.
(2) TRUMP the NUTFRUIT goes: I took a bullet for DEMOCRACY. He goes on to say: CAMMELA at a speech a year ago, had a hand grenade thrown at her skull which bounced off. It mal-funtioned. He goes on to say. Unfortunate it not explode. OK DRAFT DODGER,anythin you say fits your NUT crowd. And did you see him yesterday. Announcin his LUNATIC followers. Goin,this group been to 228 rally's,this group 223, and so on. He goes to FLOP HAT that he knows by name and does a rendition of the guy when he got a bee sting. I WOULD be in a FOXHOLE with you, sure you would, YOU FUCKIN CHICKEN SHIT DRAFT DODGER.
(3) DRAFT DODGIN POS praises PUTIN for prisoner exchange. 3 days prior he claimin he would have gotten all held in captivity back with no exchange.
(4) See that SHIT POS yesterday. Pushin the limits. SECRET SERVICE tryin at end to do everythin to protect the FUC. He don't give a SHIT. Someone should have had a umbrella and poked the FUC with it,PUTIN STYLE.
(5) One last thin: What a group this POS has behind him at every rally. Not a one pays any ATTENTION. Someone in front tells them when to scream or hold up signs. Reminds me years ago when ANDREA and I went to TV show in WISCONSIN: BOWLING FOR DOLLARS.


shout out

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