Notice Number: BR 28-2024
Racing Type: Harness
Track: Buffalo Raceway
Notice Date: 08/10/2024
Ruling Type: Fine & Suspension
Rule(s): 4120.2, 4120.3, 4120.4, 4120.5
Ruling Text:
Sam Smith, as trainer of record for the horse, JOHNNY BOY on 7/13/24 at Buffalo Raceway, having appeared before a representative of the New York State Gaming Commission, and waiving the right to a formal hearing and the right to appeal, and waiving the righ to a referee sample test, is issued a twenty (20) day full suspension of their occupational license (reduced to ten (10) days without appeal), beginning 8/18/2024, through and including 8/27/2024, and a one thousand five hundred ($1,500) fine (reduced to seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) without appeal). The post-race sample collected from JOHNNY BOY from the 8th race at Buffalo Raceway was found to contain DEXAMETHAZONE. JOHNNY BOY finished 2nd and is hereby disqualified and placed last. The purse money is ordered returned and redistributed. JOHNNY BOY shall submit a sample for testing and remain on the Judge�s List until a negative result is obtained. During the term of the suspension, Sam Smith is deemed a disqualified person and denied access to all ground under jurisdiction of New York State Gaming Commission. Any horses owned or trained by Sam Smith shall be denied the privilege of participating during the term of suspension. Horses may not be transferred during this suspension. (2nd offense in this category).
Suspended: 08/18/2024 to 08/27/2024 (10 days)
Fined: $750.00 the horsemen's rep trainer gets another positive