Author Topic: Herewe go.  (Read 2492 times)

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Herewe go.
« on: September 26, 2024, 05:06:58 PM »
SHITBRAIN TALKIN. Speakin again from written script. Therehe goes. I'D be DEAD had me angels not had me turn right. Has this fuc ever taken a DRIVER'S license road test.
325,000 children are now in SEX SLAVE tradin. Can we get reliable statistics on this INSANE NUTS proclamations.
HARRIS is flyin everyone from PRISONS, MENTAL INSTITUTIONS,INSANE ASSYLUMS. That what HARRIS is DOIN. Towns have been destroyed and the USA has been DESROYED. IMMEGRANTS are all unlawful and have no business in USA. AURORA,COLORADO, SPRINGFIELD ,OHIO, the TOWNS are now RUINED. Got to like how he exagerates the import. Goes 32,000 came in to SPINGFIELD,when it actually 12,000.
Illegals takin over the USA.
There the FUC goes again. HARRIS never worked at MC'DONALDS. What the FUC is with this INSANE FUC.
Now he talkin about last debate. Sayin he was screwed by moderators. I thought he claimed he WON, CONVINCLY.
HERE THE NUT talks about the CONGO again. SAME insane SHIT. Me guess he afraid that anyone from CONGO votin,will turn the tide against this COWARD FUC.
Too be continued.....


  • NW-1
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Re: Herewe go.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2024, 05:23:19 PM »
Those numbers are from the state department.  In AZ there are thousands of homeless children sleeping in streets, it is a real mess.


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Re: Herewe go.
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2024, 05:25:19 PM »
Look at this CRAZED DRAFT DODGIN FUC speakin. Just readin a script. And he lookin like, forgot the actor who played FRANKINSTEIN. This MANIAC is FUCKED UP.
If this was a SCI-FI movie,everyone would go. This DRAFT DODGIN MONSTER,is a JOKE. On and ON he goin. He goin STOP all CRIME in USA. SURE. BLABBER MORE.
HARRIS destroyed FRISCO. That good you FUC. You have desroyed everythin you were ever involved with. Now he says he up 21 points. NOW he statin: IT NOT ME. IT NANCY for JAN.6TH. There you go. Here he goes" 8 people in COLORADO,he gonna wipe them out. Got news for the DRAFT DODGIN FUC. There all in jail.
We gonna get rid of all DRUG TRAKKICKERS. Start with your SON JR'S. And TESTIFY against him in court.


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Re: Herewe go.
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2024, 06:02:31 PM »
BOBBY: I think we missed sumthin back in day.
I mean we were all players. We drank and gambled. And that was everyone's conversations. Who you like,was always to a certain race or horse. No one discussed politics.
I don't think you knew me SERVICE in ARMY. That's fine. I was not goin around askin people "WHO SERVED". Yet I knew older who had. BEER BELLY BOB. SAt in second row with me. He a MARINE for 4 years in 50's. He startin to lose it health wise. He goes' I need some help. I say's to him. Use the VA. He goes: I thought one had to retire after 20 years to get benifits. I said: BOB your a 4 year MARINE. You entitled to everythin. I got him the info. It took 60 days and he got health care and found him a apartment were he paid $600.00 less than he was previously payin. He was so happy.
Back to LOST KIDS. I'M readin a book right now. Believe me. I reads alot. Maybe thats why I understood the "RACING FORUM",so well.
I'M currently readin a non-fiction book called "LONG HAUL". It about cross country truckers that pic up and murder HITCHHIKERS. It pretty BRUTAL. And these FUCKS ain't illegal IMMEGRANTS. They NATURALIZED USA CITIZENS. But they like torturatin and killin. HOW come TRUMP don't mention these SHITS. Because HE a STUPOOD FUC SHIT that has not a single cell brain in his RICH SILVER SPOON HEAD. Again I will say. When the last time this ignorant fuc have a driver's licence. Been driven around his whole life. Wouldn't you like to be his driver. BITCHIN and complainin be he. Firin everyone every 2 weeks and then not payin them for lack of what he say's: DRIVIN incapability's.


  • NW-1
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Re: Herewe go.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2024, 08:47:09 AM »
politicians were all the same back in the day, now we have a business leader/outsider destroying the entire fucked up political system in our Country.  Thats what I am for.  Trump will be at the Alabama game Saturday watch the crowd erupt for this man.  He is a fighter for people without a voice and for that I respect him more than any candidate in history. 


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Re: Herewe go.
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2024, 01:28:35 PM »
Don't like to argue with friends. Lets look.
(1) He goin to ALABAMA,a TRUE RED STATE. REDDER than anythin in USA. Their UNIVERSITY is nationally known as RACIST. They also accept anyone that has a pulse.
I'll say this. If a male choosess to go there,he has a great chance of meetin a female. LADIES,55%,MALES,45%. The school is overwhemily WHITE. 78%. Must have somethin to do with GEORGE WALLACE.
(2) DRAFT DODGIN BOY goin after his rally in WISCONSIN. HE has already ordered what food he wants to eat in SUITE. 2 FILLET of FISH,1 BIG MAC,and 2 orders of FRIES from MC'DONALDS. Let me get this correct. Is it 8 FILLET,4 MACS, and 6 fries. You think this FAT SLOP DRAFT DODGIN FUC not gonna ask associates to eat first to see if food not poisened and then wait 20 minutes to see if sumone croaks. And then bitch because he know has to put remainder in micro wave and it not fresh. Maybe.he should just try SLIM JIMS.

I'll say one last thin. My only BULL game. Had with others a suite. One could leave and walk out and sit in 2 rows of seats at very top. I refused. The front row had a small railin. Long fall if one lost balance. Maybe this what DRAFT DODGER plannin on doin. Standin there to ACCOLADES. Perfect time to nudge the FAT BLIMP.


shout out

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