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I've got no skin in this game, but MP always seems to have something to back up his claims, while others throw out unsubstantiated insults. Just one outsiders observation.
I have no idea, nor do I care, if Mike has been banned from youtube. Based upon his behavior and how he conducts himself, it would not surprise me. That said, I give him credit for being pro-horse, pro-protection/retirement/etc. If he has set himself as some sort of go-to person for rescuing horses, that's great! There are plenty of people like that in the industry---and we've seen them. They have a name, an organization, volunteers, they raise money, they call out when a retired racehorse is in a kill-pen or going to auction, and they spring into action and they rescue the horse! We've seen it. Does Mike do this? If he does, that's great. However, I do not see it. I see a lot of ranting and raving, pointing fingers, blaming, a lot of drama, chaos, very "loud"----but not a lot of organized, well structured action and results. I don't see him command or earning respect and notoriety for his efforts, but hey, who knows. I don't question his motivations or even his intentions. I question "who he is being" and how he goes about conducting himself. Now couple that with Mike's constant, nonstop criticism of almost everyone----everyone in a position of authority, elected officials and volunteers, and so on. Add to this his incessant and constant inserting himself into various situations----where he's not qualified and not invited and not authorized to do so. Mark Ford, Ray Schnittker, Steve Jones, and how many others? He casts aspersions and accusations of major crimes and infractions----yet his so called evidence is always de minimis, edited, subjective, etc. How you go about conducting yourself and how you treat others----that determines if you are part of the problem, or part of the solution. In addition, that is how you will be viewed and treated. Perhaps Mike plays to his part. However, he brings all of what he receives onto himself. When they behave a certain way, when you insert yourself into situations that you are not invited to, that you are not qualified to be in, that you do not have grounds or standing-----that is where you have problems and are viewed as a menace and heretic. When you attack professional, legitimate, long-standing people in our sport and industry, professionals who own, operate, and run businesses, and contribute to the sport and industry----and you are not one yourself----that is where you become the problem. When you are the source of lunacy, negativity, blaming, and criticism, that is where you become the problem. Just my take.
So, when someone says that Mike is a rat, are they making that up? Or is he a rat?
And to show how low these fucking people are. Another horse that was in to go not far from here "suddenly dies" and nobody gives a fuck. Well, until it got to me.
The man is fucking insane he thinks he’s Mussolini! It’s either his way or no way he’s also manic depressive as well as a narcissist. He’s obviously looking for attention and he plays kicking games. He likes to be kicked so he can come back and start his rhetoric. He loves to be the center of attention meanwhile he leads a sad life.
He literally thinks he’s important
I love when he makes a statement under MP then comes back with 20 of his aliases preaching himself!
You can’t possibly be this stupid. You can change your screen name in about 15 seconds but it’s the same account.