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case dismissed, just like the ashes...dismissed
Wow!!! So many threats in one post. You should be taking anger management classes with Josh Marks.You many times did you beat up your wife before this incident?5 10 15 20 30 or 50 times?Since the article said you cannot afford a vehicle how you gonna reach the M1.Maybe this could be an alternate solution for youWait!!!! Do they have donkey stands at the M1
U pimping your wife out again the last virgin in Pakistan .Poor animal use her as a taxi then u Pakistan pimp rents her out for a peice of azz.
That is how they operate in Indiana perhaps, where any woman can outrun a fat fuck. Florida law is MANDATORY charge of assault if any evidence is present. Wife cannot recant story. State is obligated by law to prosecute if evidence is available. An arrest is not an admission of guilt, nor is it proof of guilt. Means I was accused. No evidence was found to substantiate any claim of abuse. Accused are NOT released to company of wife if evidence of abuse has occured. No contact order is issued while accused awaits trial. None of this occurred. You also believe that everyone ever arrested is guilty of something don't you? Expunge what? I was innocent as declared by judge. No restraining order, no contact order issued, ect......still don't get it do you. Once again, you accusing me of wife beating in this forum? The record stares you right in the face and you just can't accept it. Since I have outted you as a fat welfare case, you stoop to this shit. Best you can do? Use a decade old arrest for a dismissed case to slander me as a wife beater? Thought you were smarter than that fatboy, but I was wrong.....you are just as stupid as nutzinyermouth and NJ Ovaries. . More tales from the ex trainer to be posted soon fatty...stand by.
Scary Sherry at her best.You should be glad Tim Clevenger didn't press charges against you.If he had you would be looking out through the jail bars
I ran out of popcorn reading this. Twice.
I see Manegirl online and its early in the AM. She prolly can't sleep.She must have been bothered by yesterday's revelation of her forum boss at home activities.
My wife can hit me with a thrown shoe from 25 feet. Never misses
OK, now you starting with me? Im up cause I have animals to feed before I go to work. You see I have a job!! Yes, I have posted at Dreams site. There are times its not a bad place. I don't get attacked and threatened there...