Author Topic: Thanks for the free money today  (Read 363962 times)

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D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #105 on: April 07, 2015, 08:00:35 AM »
before any more of you suckers write another letter to somebody, think about this, when the rancino money came in, everybody got a raise, track people, all the vets/blacksmiths started charging more, purses went up, all our medical is paid, the retirement programs get a big lift, judges got a big raise, so if you think the judges or any race commission is going to do the right thing and cost themselves money, you ain't gotta clue, not going to happen and team Palone really doesn't care what you think, why, because all the pieces are in place, and I have told you so, hell even some judges got horses with suspended trainers, sometimes 2 or 3 in the same race, integrity looks like this $$$$$, and you better start realizing it, another day at Team Palone Downs, so send it in, stop by the rail and voice your opinion, because the Team will take your money, thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone says, "it's official"
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #106 on: April 07, 2015, 08:02:36 AM »
before any more of you suckers write another letter to somebody, think about this, when the rancino money came in, everybody got a raise, track people, all the vets/blacksmiths started charging more, purses went up, all our medical is paid, the retirement programs get a big lift, judges got a big raise, so if you think the judges or any race commission is going to do the right thing and cost themselves money, you ain't gotta clue, not going to happen and team Palone really doesn't care what you think, why, because all the pieces are in place, and I have told you so, hell even some judges got horses with suspended trainers, sometimes 2 or 3 in the same race, integrity looks like this $$$$$, and you better start realizing it, another day at Team Palone Downs, so send it in, stop by the rail and voice your opinion, because the Team will take your money, thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone says, "it's official"


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #107 on: April 07, 2015, 10:02:35 AM »
before any more of you suckers write another letter to somebody, think about this, when the rancino money came in, everybody got a raise, track people, all the vets/blacksmiths started charging more, purses went up, all our medical is paid, the retirement programs get a big lift, judges got a big raise, so if you think the judges or any race commission is going to do the right thing and cost themselves money, you ain't gotta clue, not going to happen and team Palone really doesn't care what you think, why, because all the pieces are in place, and I have told you so, hell even some judges got horses with suspended trainers, sometimes 2 or 3 in the same race, integrity looks like this $$$$$, and you better start realizing it, another day at Team Palone Downs, so send it in, stop by the rail and voice your opinion, because the Team will take your money, thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone says, "it's official"

.....and as the pressure begins to mount on those" judges" , will they be willing to throw away that pay raise for YOU. What will they be needed for if they fired?? You will toss them like a pulled hand grenade. They will soon be under a microscope, and the dominoes will begin to fall. They will sing better than Wayne Newton once the heat is turned up in any criminal investigation that may follow!! So YOU better get it while it's still for the gettin'. THE CLOCK IS TICKING!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #108 on: April 07, 2015, 02:33:16 PM »
  ....and  all your posts for evidence!!.. GET READY FOR THE SHIT TO HIT THE FAN!! tmbz1


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #109 on: April 07, 2015, 02:59:12 PM »
  DQ'ed again, all eyes are watch' tmbz1

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #110 on: April 08, 2015, 09:22:02 AM »
now you suckers are on the Sahbra farms and Davidson crusade, told you months ago about this relationship, you didn't believe, best way to fool you suckers is to tell you the truth because you won't believe, how about that last race exacta Tuesday, it didn't come back short did it, the TEAM got all the money, how about that other trainer Bercury who couldn't train a dairy cow to give milk, he has been pretty hot, and I do mean hot, you wonder where all the test samples go, right out back and get dumped, there is no testing in Pa, because there is no money for testing, wonder why Piatt and Taylor got hooked up with Ronnie, that answer is pretty simple, Pa has no jurisdiction or power to go into Ohio for trainers, Crawford got no balls and he knows his place, those briefs already been written, so when I tell you all the bases are covered, you better believe it, the TEAM will always be in control, don't forget to send it in so the team can take care of business, the DQs the last 2 days, meant nothing, wait until a real inquiry comes up, with some tickets on the line, you will see, Thanks - HOF Dave and Team Palone says "its official"
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #111 on: April 08, 2015, 06:11:34 PM »
Just started reading this thread. Now that's entertainment   ngc3
By the way, I new Duke was going all the way, right after they won.
Sounds a lot like "HUGE"

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #112 on: April 10, 2015, 07:07:02 AM »
still on the Belcher stuff I see, yes Bob and Jenny still keep in touch, always have, told you suckers many times, the owner of Sahbra farms was David Gross and was in deep financial trouble until Bob showed up and moved the operation to Streetsboro, what Belcher beard got caught using rat poison as a blood thinner a few years back, this party worked in the post office before Belcher got involved, what prominent driver worked at Belcher's farm, what rule was put in place because of the rat poison suspension at the Meadows, don't believe, its the way the Team wants it, just keep providing that easy money for the Team, Pik 4 today carryover, $10,000 pool, we get it all again, thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone says its official
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #113 on: April 10, 2015, 10:12:20 AM »
This is like a train wreck to me, I can't stop looking. I love to read but this has got to be the best fiction/comedy I have read in a long time.
I will have the EARLY double cold, But I can only tell you AFTER the race, sound familiar  tmbz1
Love it thanks.


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #114 on: April 10, 2015, 06:43:36 PM »
No free money today.
I need my fix, what's the story, I'm bored 11.dnc 11.dnc

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #115 on: April 12, 2015, 06:31:23 PM »
Pik 5 carryover tomorrow, send it in, the team takes it home, we promise, Belchers post office beard was none other then Bethie Murdock, pretty sure the horse ended up with Ricky Clapper, Bethie now puts horses in her mothers name, purse checks are held up and then mailed once some test results come back, Bethie never returned the purse money thus causing the Murdock Purse check rule at the Meadows, you see another good friend of mine reapplied, Bob Synthetic Inman, but was turned down, doesn't make any difference, Bob is just as popular as ever, so the team will see you on Monday, and some of those races are already official, thanks again, HOF Dave and Team Palone, says be there
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #116 on: April 12, 2015, 09:35:22 PM »
Just for shits and giggles, can you give me one one winner of those " already official " races.
Thanks again


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #117 on: April 13, 2015, 01:08:26 PM »
Just for shits and giggles, can you give me one one winner of those " already official " races.
Thanks again

 just to prove your " THE MAN" ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #118 on: April 13, 2015, 02:18:42 PM »
Well not today. Do you think they " got it all". After the races. What a  73cv.2


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #119 on: April 13, 2015, 04:29:44 PM »
9k pick 3!! Team paloan cashes again. This guy might really be on to something


shout out

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