Author Topic: Thanks for the free money today  (Read 363948 times)

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2015, 11:15:57 AM »
So if I told you ALL the winners I had AFTER the races would you think I "was on to something"?.

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #121 on: April 26, 2015, 06:31:22 PM »
thanks for all the accolades and trophies Fri night, best driver, most wins in North America, but a few were left out, most minus show pools in the shitter 1 year, most fixes in a year, most tickets cashed, most beard owners, most horses in one race that I owned would be 4, biggest week last week cashing tickets, guess what team had all those Super Superfectas that paid between $20,000 to $30,000, you didn't, Heather and Bethann had a great time jewelry shopping this week, nice of the fans to help out, Aaron and Jimmy working out just fine with the team now, had a few kinks to work out, but after last week, the team really stuffed our pockets full, so stop by Mon at the fence, tell me ya love or hate me, because that's ok, because if you are bitchin at the fence, that means the team is getting your money, nice to see both Bob's have a big night Fri, Scotty Davidson too, nothing like those hot lunches from the Stoneboro area with a white harness to show it off, anyways the team says thanks and by all means send it in, just remember what Roger says, "its official", had a nice round of golf today with Dickie and Mike, and this weeks activities are well understood, Thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #122 on: April 27, 2015, 03:48:26 AM »
and I found the glass slipper and Cinderella married me, don't you just love fiction? 73cv.2


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #123 on: April 27, 2015, 02:23:40 PM »
Another accolade that was overlooked Friday night.

Driver who has physically aged the most and as a result drives excessively angry and stupid at times. 

Dude would run away with that one.

Tony had the title for a while, but he has, like most who get old, learn to live and deal with it.  Palone is still in the denial/anger stage. 


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #124 on: April 27, 2015, 02:30:51 PM »
You may have Aaron, Jimmy, Dickie and Mike but I have Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy and Sneezy. So there. ngc3

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #125 on: April 30, 2015, 07:03:44 PM »
quite a double yesterday wasn't it, $102 winner, double paid $106 with me driving the 2nd race winner, how about that first race perfecta, was that short, Tony and I disappeared but got all that money too, then 1 horse is covered in the Pik 5, just happens to win, Tony just got there, Jimmy made it look convincing didn't he, trying to win the last leg but just got beat at the wire, imagine that, just keep thinking Trotman the team doesn't gamble, and by all means keep thinking that way, because the team wants you to think that way, SS checks out, and that money will flood the pools tomorrow, and you non-believers will be broke by Monday, I try to warn you, anyways, thanks for the donations, the team appreciates all of your futile efforts, remember, "its official" before "its official", thanks again, HOF Dave and Team Palone says be there
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #126 on: April 30, 2015, 08:32:50 PM »



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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #127 on: April 30, 2015, 11:32:26 PM »

Dan Nance is a real person with passion for the sport.  He may not be your cup of tea, but at minimum his passion is clear.

This person, on the other hand, fails to nail good 2nd grade fiction.

There were 13 races moron.  Please chose one that you can write believable stories about.  They take down an exacta by breaking the favorite, yet they leave a trifecta uncovered in a field that would have only 5 other runners.  Hell dude, it isn't that hard. 


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #128 on: April 30, 2015, 11:57:59 PM »
Time to go. The stories are not good anymore. Tell these stories to the grandkids. As they say on shark tank, I'm out.

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #129 on: May 12, 2015, 10:12:25 PM »
tomorrow another trophy is added to the Palone record books, win number 17,000, I just hope Roger doesn't slobber all over me when the cameras come out, all of my fans will be there, how about that Pik 4 today, how could anybody have those combinations, the Team did, did you, the Pik 5, the 8 and 9 were covered in the last race, and the race comes 9 - 8, imagine that, can't beat good information can you, did you hear the comment about Dickie and I playing golf together today, a lot gets discussed during those rounds, most wins, most fixes, most lit up horses, most show pools dumped, just another day at Palone Downs, so make sure you watch and wager Wednesday, the Team needs all the donations you can provide, we got the best team ever and don't you ever doubt it, so stop by and give me a shout down by the fence, May 13, another day for Palone history and the team, remember, some races are official before they are "official", thanks - HOF Dave and team Palone
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #130 on: May 13, 2015, 07:03:11 AM »
Black lives matter? WTF
I was taught all lives matter!
Especially the lives of us rednecks
And our Horsez!!

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #131 on: May 18, 2015, 07:34:26 AM »
another letter writing campaign has started, so let me help, the presiding judge that gets in, gets my approval, and nobody else's, then you guys bitch about me owning horses and racing them in the same race under beards, told you before its the way the team plays, race commission and Meadows management, right in my pocket, always has been, always will be, got a nice carryover today in the Pik 5, try and cash, me, Dickie, Mike and the other team members will, pump up the pool, team finds out who is writing these letters, this party will be getting a personal visit from my muscle boys, just ask Clayton, he got back in because he kissed my ass, you guys got one thing right, it's my way or the highway, the team tells you when you go, when you stiff, when you cash and its not going to change, HOF Dave and the best damn fixing team ever, says "be there"
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #132 on: May 20, 2015, 09:58:34 AM »
did ya see the team in action on Monday, I have Marcus claim Splitsville for me in the 2nd, Pants busts him at the gate, team Palone gets all the money, and who just happened to win the last leg of the Pik 5 for $2880, Pants, turning out to be a good business proposition for the team adding him, Mon and Tuesday I was shut out from winning but not cashing tickets, team did just fine, nice carryover today in the Pik 5, Kevin putting up $7500 to get things started, judge spot still open, why don't you guys apply and meet me in person, that way, you can be part of the team and get all the benefits the team has to offer with no complications, I read where one of my enforcers got involved with Corey years ago, that would have been Joe Mowod, so keep sending it in, and the team will take it home, remember, some races "are official" before they "are official", Mark buys every day in his box upstairs, Team Palone says thank you each and every day - Thanks HOF Dave
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!

D. PaLoan

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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #133 on: June 22, 2015, 08:05:28 AM »
I see the letter writing is going on, go ahead and write, nothing changes, team Palone is doing very well, how is your pocket doing, little lighter I expect, but that's how the game is played today, George and Randy are right in my pocket just like I have been telling you, is there any doubt now, I see the Burke drug issue campaign is starting up again, what did I tell ya before, oxycodone, synthetic epo, cobalt, all those bases are covered, we got clean samples from horses that Ronnie has switched out with test samples before being sent to the lab, then I also read where Gural has band me from his tracks, that ain't happening either, I go where I want, when I want, and the judges in Pa, NY, and NJ know this, another week starts at the Meadows with a pick 5 carryover, so send it in and team Palone will be more than happy to take care of business, time for nine - Thanks HOF Dave and Team Palone says be there
I welcome all drivers to the Meadows, we have ways of taking care of business because we have all the right parties in the right places !!!


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Re: Thanks for the free money today
« Reply #134 on: June 22, 2015, 01:51:57 PM »
If you were the owner I would ask,  was that drive worth $12,500 to you ?.


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