Why don't you go out there and drive einstein.
And what's his past got to do with his present swoodal?
I think you better shut your trap talking shit about people like
you do, cause I got some info on you I can cut and paste and you won't like it 10000000% fact.
Posts: 2032
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Re: Handle wayyyyyyy up at Hawthorne versus maywood and balmoral.
« Reply #29 on: Today at 07:02:19 PM »
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You know what swoodal, since your so sure about that stiff I'm gonna give Tim a number to a good lawyer so he can go after you for slander and lost drives. And I will be the first one to testify that I won't use him to drive because of your comments.
Let me tell you something you stupid fucking jagoff!

I know more about Tim Curtin then before you ever heard of a racetrack!

I know all about the race fixing at Balmoral that Curtin and the majority of drivers were involved in 25 years ago and I was there when he won at 12-1 with E.A.'s Thunder with the group from Marseilles/Ottawa that he drove for.

I was also there at Erv Miller's barn in Springfield when Tim reeked of alcohol at 6:30 in the morning

because he had been on an all night bender

but came straight to the barn and had already jogged nearly every horse, all by himself before everyone else had arrived. Do you want me to tell you the stories I was told about Tim then? Of course not! Why? Because you are a fucking CRACKHEAD who has no clue what he is talking about!

How about when Tim took some of Erv's horses, but not mine, to Dover then popped a piss test for oxycontin which he didn't have a prescription for so he got suspended! Know anything about that you fucking idiot?

Go Fuck Yourself CRACKHEAD!

You are one of the dumbest mother fuckers to every shovel horse shit.

Get a lawyer you chicken shit fuck.

Because you are going to need one when you pop Wisconsin"s Best again.

Pay back the purse money yet, you thief?
Nobody wants to hear you cry about how unfair the IRB is again and how "innocent" you are!

Ask Molitor how his "monster" LEE AVE did after he got cocky and sent his juiced rat to the Meadowlands?
Is Wisconsin's Best going to be the next "miracle" horse to waste a trip to New Jersey?