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Some men and some of their female subordinates with deep-seated insecurity issues of their own. Bad parenting in general is to blame for that, not necessarily just by mothers though.
And along comes some knowitall broads to psycho analyze everyone and of course they think they are always correct in their opinions, when in fact it is just an opine, nothing more, and in most cases, a whole lot less
Let's reel all this nonsense back in. Clearly, MdO doesn't understand the difference between a forum and a blog.A forum starts with a topic started by a poster and then other posters are able to comment....short answers.A blog is where someone makes a much longer dissertation, like MsO and others can leave a comment.I quite frankly lose interest 2 sentences in and might read her last sentence.Start your own BLOG MsO......your intellegencia, if that, is wasted here. Short answers or comments are all that is neededThanks
Had to Google and cut and paste, eh MsO? Anyone can cut and paste.I feel confident, I speak what others just don't have the nerve to say.
MsO, It goes without saying if you had a husband he is long gone either by car or gunshot to the head. Horseplop member are running a over/under contest on how many cats live in your apartment. The number set by Vegas is 19. I took the over. Please answer us.
If you're not speaking up when you see it happening you are agreeing with, implicitly granting your approval and permission, complicit and part of the problem, yes. I'm afraid so. Own it.
You are one SAD know it all, but know nothing. There are many definitions, but you just happened to choose what fits your needs. The mere fact you had to Google and cut and paste, indicates your stupidity. But hey, that's ok....Carry on.
Obviously I love being educated on issues. So by all means, educate me with those facts. If you can't copy and paste to support your claims, without support or that ability, you have no business saying a word until you do.
I'm not sure what's worse: Hillbilly ignorant posts or Mso's autistic walls of text. Ever hear of being pithy?
you just lie in real life?