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Answer the questions: Is your problem with me that I talk to [sic] much or that I try being too concise? How can I even possibly take you seriously if you can’t keep your stories and criticisms straight? And what is the issue you’re taking with my discussing a tco2 blackbox positive in a thread about a tco2 overage that was derailed by making it about ME and MINE? If your issue is that it was made about me and mine, don’t you think the reasonable thing to do is take that up with the people actually doing so? Be constructive and consistent for a change. Why is that an issue for you that I discussed it once it was brought up? Let’s go over there and we’ll discuss it rationally, and as honestly as anyone trying to conceal their identity can at any rate.
You + conciseness aren't even in the same universe.
Nice try to cover for your failure to have reasonable answers for relevant to the conversation questions asked of you, but no. And besides, weren't you just griping about anything becoming about me? And now that's precisely what you're trying to do. How can anyone take you seriously with that kind of head-tipping inconsistency?
I’m sorry but hadn’t somebody else here literally JUST tried making this about “me and mine” at the time you posted: a clear case of misdirecting and derailing that offends you greatly, and you’re not going to address that in your own, but somehow excusable alternate universe battle against it? But now I guess you actually WANT for me to talk about myself ad nauseam? Ha haAgain, go to ACTUAL thread where the evolution of conversation raised the subject you only just yesterday were taking issue with, and if I find it pertinent I’ll be happy to discuss. My horse in that picture was all that was pertinent to that particular conversation, however. So as you would say, carry on…
As far as I can tell, "Fatboy" and PPG, what you’re absolutely trying to deflect from and derail is any talk of that horse, what happened to him; and how the OHHA, Amy Hollar, OSRC and track failed horsemen and horses but actively protected an abusive, literally criminal horseman, making it about me, my body and…writing style, instead? Well okay then. And what exactly would your personal investment(s) be in relation to it all?
who are you
Jen ....she's HOTT